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Angel Beat

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Angel Beat

  1. There has been an awakening indeed. Oh my god, this movie. I wanna watch it again.
  2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Wowee, it felt like coming home. :3
  3. Whew, it sure has been a while. Life's okay.
  4. *chuckles* Sounds like a reason to revive my blog-ish.
  5. Book of Souls by Iron Maiden Hot dang, it's a lot better than The Final Frontier.
  6. Seems I'll be going again after three years. Finally.
  7. Angel Beat

    Concert! :D

    Yay, glad you had fun!
  8. I got CW deluxe Dragstrip today. It's a nice toy, but hardly worth €27/$30.
  9. I still <3 turtleduck date night. <3 Would love to have LoK comics, but that remains to be seen, I'm afraid. Exactly. You thought right. *swoon*
  10. Good question. I loved that it was subtle yet visible. That, and they started their relationship at the end of the finale.
  11. Still not over Korrasami. Probably never will.
  12. 2-disc? I got the wooden box that was limited to 5,000.
  13. Kamelot's new album "Haven" is simply divine.
  14. Angel Beat


    Happy (very belated) birthday!
  15. Angel Beat

    Star Wars

    I'm so excited I could just burst!
  16. I'm really liking these songs. Especially the last one.
  17. I passed the 12-year mark today, myself. The things I've seen and experienced...
  18. I've been interested in this game ever since I first saw it. That, and I liked its spiritual predecessor Nitronic Rush. I can't believe I don't have it yet.
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