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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome

    Blog Q&A

    I've seen links to that "Spam Poison" site on some blogs. I clicked on one, and I saw some not-so-good things there. Is there some kind of rule against that?
  2. Bfahome

    Wally's World

  3. \_/

    _|_ Wine…

    [| |] …and a chocolate bar.

  4. Bfahome


    I am kinda, but the class ruins everything.
  5. Bfahome


    Owned and owned.
  6. He's lookin' the other way, foo'.
  7. Well tell her I'm busy, and to please accept this carrot instead .



  8. No rain here. Just looots of sun. B)
  9. Bfahome


    Might want to take out the leety one, though. :/
  10. Bfahome

    I Apologize

    Lol, I copied the entire thing into a Textedit document before you deleted it. xD
  11. Bfahome

    Caption Contest #1

    Jaller: "...and they lived happily ever after."
  12. What exactly are we trying to answer here? O__o
  13. Thankee. I just hope they have the vehicles. *crosses fingers*
  14. *waves* We'll miss you. We're only going for about a week. I'm hoping I can bring my laptop, too.
  15. THERE IS?? 8D I thought it was in Legoland… :/ *plans to bring camera also now * Near Legoland/Disney place? Then I might see you or Busboy.
  16. Lawl, but I think it was my first time on that list. (I'm still kinda up there, too. )
  17. Me and my mom have been kind of planning a vacation to Cali over summer. We might go to Disney Land, Legoland, Universal Studios, and some other places. I think. :/ I hope we do. *plans to bring a -poundpoundpoundpoundpound-load of money to buy Axalara (or Rockoh, if Axxy's too much)*
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