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Everything posted by Haku340

  1. New Personal Photo rocks!! :P

  2. THE TOPIC IS UP!!! Isn't it exciting!! Haku340

  4. OK, I have an announcement underlined & colored red to make: Hello BZPower Blog Explorers!! I am planning on making an RZ comic series called the BZP Whales I need some help with: Making RZ WhalesCo-AuthorsGIMP Backgrounds(these are needed for more than the comics).I would greatly appreciate help, so now, the Co-Author requirements:Must be able to use RZ wellMust be able to use basic effectsMust be able to make comics in a series when others make the other partsPM me ASAP!!! Haku340
  5. Your new banner's too big!!

  6. HERE IT IS: I'm going to redo it soon. Haku340
  7. I used some effects that won't let me save it as PNG but check the new entry with the better one.
  8. And here it is, my shame and distress: I HATE THIS!! As you probably guessed...
  9. We like whales, got a problem with that? Hey! It's not polite to point!! What? Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I'm evil!
  10. OK, this image is so big I am only going to link it: The 1920x1200 pxl image Haku340
  11. It fixes all minor medical problems for you, I thought that it's wearer would have made that obvious, but anyway :P

  12. [NOTETOBZPSTAFF:] I am not talking about religion, merely about what happened in one of my most memorable moments ever. Ah man, scripture lessons at my school are so fun, especially the one where we did the "Save the Whales" campaign, the best of which was this: Scripture Teacher: What can distract you from *religious word erased due to BZP rules*? Lord Lachlaneg (yes, he's a real person): The Japanese whalers! (no offense meant to Japanese people). Rest of the people at our table: SAVE THE WHALES!!! Scripture teacher: How can we stop getting distracted from *religious word erased due to BZP rules*? People at our table: SAVE THE WHALES!!! Haku340: GO TO SLEEP!! *Place Fake snores here* Scripture teacher: What will happen if we get to know *religious word erased due to BZP rules*? People at our table: THE WHALES WILL BE SAVED!!! Haku340: I get to sleep with a whale!! Everyone there: HuH That ended there, and we got 12 tokens from it (3 tokens=1 Lolly) and there were 5 of us, so I went without one. We still continued our Save the Whales campaign, and it still runs today, but yesterday was the last day of term, so I won't have an update for a while. Haku340
  13. Add those tags around it.

  14. What? There's someone in the Pacific Ocean viewing the entry!! Anyway, expect and award from me Planetperson, for commenting first in an entry. Haku340
  15. Create your own visitor map! I saw one of these in Shadow Kurahk's Blog (The Shadow Zone). So anyway, does it work, does it show where you are? I wish blogs had polls... CaN U SeE Meh?
  16. Hang on, you play Club Penguin!! What's your penguin called?

    Mine's Lego Of Lego

  17. Yayz!! You're using the av I made for you!

  18. COMPETITIONS: Yes, we now have competitions, so here they are: 1:Who is the Toa featured in When TDKS Goes on a Secret Agent Mission? 2: What is one of the "What Ifs" in the upcoming bits of "What If"? 3: What did I say in GS 3 when I appeared as a Tiny Little Blob? 4: What did the big text say in Sticky Situations at the end? <<Closed!! PM me the answers ENTRIES: Question 1: Question 2: KM: What If: Onepu, Chokii & Tekatu were inventors.. Question 3: Question 4: 1: Hero100: Nuffin here <<WINNER!!!! 2: Blade Titan974: Muffin here COMPETITION AWARDS: Question 1: Question 2: Question 3: Question 4: Hero100: [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Haku340/ComicStuff/Stuff-For-Others/comp_4_award.png]
  19. You, umm, could change your av now...

  20. Woah, that new av is the coolest EVER!

  21. I said WHEN Lerman :)

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