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Everything posted by Haku340

  1. When did you become a premier member??

  2. Congrats on the first year Blade!!

  3. I have a Avie for you!!

  4. I actually find that rather funny, because I know what is is.

  5. reflum, Pouhaki revived it!!

  6. Comics's been revived :)

  7. Cut!!!!! Hello everybody, 'tis I Sentano Goverich, of the Krotchet Theatre Group Australia, I would like to put up a banner: [url="http://ktgworld.blogspot.com/"][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Haku340/KTG-Stuff/ktg_rayg_banner.png][/url] the banner is linked to our blog, so here's the URL for that: OUR FANTASTICALIFRAWOOPSICAL BLOG You'll hear much more from me soon. Thanks :wakeup2: Sentano Goverich , Chairman KTG© Australia 2008
  8. I'll join, shame I can't get the CD though, they don't sell them down under, but they have their songs on the radio HEAPS!
  9. I like the new avie, but what's with the "six month" bit on the side?

  10. How does U make gif animation repeat?

  11. Well, I present, the short but strange story of my comics, it all started when I was looking around BZP forums (before I knew it was a forum) and I found the comic section, I like making hand drawn comics, so I thought "How hard could it be" (Top Gear fans would wonder where I got that from), and as I discovered, VERY HARD, I didn't even know how to use Paint.app back then, and I didn't know what you did to make text not cover up the background with white, so I tried Photoshop, and that was even more hard, so I went back to making my kit, by re-coloring each bit separately, which took hours, even though I'm even allowed on 4 hors a day, I struggled to get it done, and eventually I got Comic One done the day after BZP Birthday, which is the week before my Bday. So now I'm on to Comic 2, after doing the 2 most bad comics ever for my Bday, and my best one for Reflum's GS. I only recently finished my sprite sheet, and have a lot to do on the Kit, so I better wrap this up and get to that..... Haku340
  12. Haku340

    French Haku

    Dear members, I will now present to you the most absurd picture of me anyone has ever seen, I call it "French Haku": » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « And Randomly Edited With Photoshop: (In spoiler tags due to huge size) I hope you like it! :happydance: I was wearing French Clothes, Eating French Delicacies!! I did this because I have Performance class on the day before this was taken, but the clothes weren't dirty, so I wore them the next day. These images are larger than the Average PC screen, so don't try and see them full size, instead follow these links, where they are resized: French Haku French Haku Edited Randomly
  13. What program do you use to make animated gifs?

  14. Right, so that's what you meant..

  15. I finished comic 1!!

  16. Premier Members are allowed to keep more messages in their PM folder, so it'll go back to 50% when the Premier member thing is over (not for me, wahahaha!).

  17. I do like them, they just like very annoying things & go crazy when friends come over.

  18. Refresh the page TK..

  19. First a bobbing some bobbing skunk, then a still Tohu Head, then a Tohum Head with spinning gears? What Next?

  20. The Personal Pic Effect from PhotoBooth.app!!

  21. Removed for no apparent reason.
  22. Haku340

    First Entry

    It's an award! Do what you want with it!
  23. Has anyone read my epic? The review topic only has one post! (Mine).

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