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Everything posted by Haku340

  1. MUAHAHAHAHA Idea for new fad popping into mind MUAHAHAHAHA
  2. HE'S OMI again!!

  3. Yeah, that's EXACTLY what I was thinking when I made it .
  4. What if I made a banner with a quote from an election speech, would that be OK? [EDIT:] And if I used it among the forum?
  5. Oh, sorry, I thought that because these were just about a quote made they would be OK...
  6. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Banners for the speech Obama made when he got elected: [IMG=http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp219/Haku340/BarackObamaBan.png] [IMG=http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp219/Haku340/BarackObamaBan2.png] These are in a spoiler box while I check they're OK with the staff.
  7. I am at this present time, making my tenth post in Completely Off Topic! WOOT!
  8. AhM SicK AgAhN!! OeZ NoEz!! ANd ThIs TiMe It'S BaD!
  9. Oh wait, I haven't entered....
  10. Haku340


    I can't believe I only just realized the staff had a fad!
  11. Haku340


    O_o let's see how you like it!
  12. Happy 2 day early Birthday!

  13. Haku340


    In case you didn't notice he HAS...
  14. Haku340


    I'm home sick again!! WOOT!! I'm also watching the ABC/CNN Broadcast of the US election!!! Who do you think will win? At the moment it looks like the Democrats... Who do you think will win? I think Obama, I'm so confident I bet $10 bucks with my tennis teacher GO SICKNESS!! [EDITO:] LOL!! I win 10 bucks!
  15. Haku340


  16. Haku340


    I'm sorry, if you look and leave, say goodbye before the beep. *BEEEP!!!!*
  17. Make that you're on the member Spotlight

  18. Ownage is a useful thing in war, because you win.
  19. You're on the featured members list Cole!

  20. What no winner? NOOOOO!!!!! Bombay/Matoran/I have no idea what he's called: That's it! You go write without help from me Tolkien!!
  21. Haku340

    Oez Noez!

    Yes, but a WATER flame? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!
  22. Haku340

    Apples To Oranges

    Sig link and Content Block. I'll also create a few banners, but I'll PM you about that.
  23. Haku340

    Oez Noez!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « BERIX HAS A TAHU MATA SWORD!! AND HER/HIS ELEMENT IS WATER!! IT IS ILLEGAL TO DO SO (from my point of view.)!! SUE!!
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