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Hidron Nuva

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Everything posted by Hidron Nuva

  1. I like thinking it works just like in our universe, where you don't know what's your destiny untill it's fullfilled, you can only guess (or either think it doesn't exist at all ).
  2. Thank you all for the replies! ^^I came up with the idea after watching Legends of MN. Poor Vakama, like Sybre said, a joke from day 1 (why you say so, Taka, your comics are awesome! We all love them ^^)...gotta check out those emo-Vakama jokes xD
  3. Aaaah, the suspence is killing me! :PWhat's Kryia up to? It's just like in TV series xDAnother awesome update ^^This time in with colour :DSeriously, I love how you colour, and you get better day by day!...loved Conscience towards the end xD
  4. Haha, thank you ^^I love Vakama too! Set-wise, he's one of my favourite characters. I guess he's just a bit unlucky :PAll he needs is some more self-confidence.Hmm... I thought it wasn't to be considered a "proper" comic
  5. This is a repost of a short comic I made before the Great Downtime.After having been criticized as a Toa, Vakama finally enjoys criticizing others as a Turaga. [Click the thumbnail]Hope you like it, enjoy
  6. You said it The below's favourite color is... blue o.o
  7. I was about to change name and avatar o.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I can understand that. :)

      Anyways, the new avatar looks quite awesome! =D

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Thank you ^^

      It's the sort of 'bad' clone of my character, Hidronax.

      Guess what would have been the new name xD

    4. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Aaah, yes, that makes sense. :)

      Hm, I have nooo idea xD

  8. Work it Make it Do it Makes us

    1. Show previous comments  57 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Don't tell me you believe in that! XD

      But then... we would be tired more than we are now. Therefore, we would still have to be sleepy! Waaah! We can't defeat it.

      Did you have a good time? Wait, Captain Obvious... You said "happy" then you must have had a nice time... >.<

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      I don't belive in that, but of course it would be interesting xD

      A way to finally defeat sleep and sleepiness would be cool. 8 hours of spare time a day :D

      I had indeed ^^

      This was my second time there (actually the third, but I'd rather not count the first time, I was like 5 or less. Bimbopoli D:)

      Katuuuuuuun. Ever been in Mirabilandia?

    4. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Wow, really interesting. So interesting that no one would have any words to describe it. XP I don't trust it, too, but I usually say it to drive other people mad. >:D

      Eh, holy goodness, we can do possible, but we're still working on impossible. ^^ That'd be nice, though. Yeah, would...

      Nope. Never been in a luna park. I however went to a circus, once. School gave us a free entrance. But I was like 6-7.

  9. 4.5/5I've seen many replies from you in the General Art section, and I love your arts and your MOCs ^^Now, I guess nobody has ever heard of me
  10. Glad you liked it :D I'm thinking about reading it too ^^
  11. SO awesome, I would have never imagined it would have happened :D

  12. Piruk is not amused.

  13. Hello, salve :D

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Vero. La gente ha paura delle cose che non possono capire, giusto?

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      GIUSTO >:D

      E probabilmente nessuno sa che stiamo complottando *muahaha*

    4. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Ah, i cari complotti furtivi. Sono i migliori. Non falliremo!

  14. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Taka! Happy birthday to you! ^^ Now you're 18 too! (Sorry for the delay D:)

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      No problem ^^ And thanks a lot! =D

  15. Holding the faith of the Universe in his hands, Matoro embraces his destiny and, for a moment, he thinks about what would have happened if he didn't join Jaller and the others. He would have continued his studies, and, who knows, he could even become Chronicler. But that wasn't his path. He was Toa Matoro, destined to wear the Ignika and save the ones he loved. He would never return home, he would never talk to his friends again. But there was no other place in the world where he wanted to be.As usual, click the thumbnail.Some days ago, I saw my matoran Matoro on the table. I still don't know how he got there. Suddently I was overcome by nostalgia, Bionicle is long over and that set is 9 years old. This is (part of) my tribute to Matoro, a hero who saved the Universe and a good, plastic friend.As always, comments are appreciated, criticism is even more appreciated.This drawing is very sketchy and simple, I wanted to try something new, let me know what you think about this style Now go and play with your Matoro!
  16. Thanks Taka :)And thanks everybody for the replies and the tips, I appreciate Tyrannosaurus's criticism.I'm not completly pleased how it turned out. I tried to keep the same style used for the Kaita Mata but proportions are weird, Akamai's chest is too wide and his legs look bad. I wanted to represent what I see when looking at the sets, but now I realize I don't see this
  17. Aaww, lovely xDHe looks a boy playing in a garden, noone would ever suspect he's an evil warlord "Mantax, I've told you not to play with food!" Poor squids..I love his eyes, creepy yet cute. His mouth doesn't look weird to me. I also like the colors of the background, at first I hadn't noticed but they really give the impression of the sea.
  18. *poke*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      also, *poke*

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Cool new signature. And avatar. Is the pic related to the Matrix/Tron?

      Any plan for the special bday? There's only an 18th birthday afterall :D



    4. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Thankies. ^^ No, not at all, since I've seen neither of the films... however, when drwing the pic, I realized the question would come up. xD


      Weeell... no, not really. I'm still trying to convince myself that it's not all that special. xD

      But some of my presents are rather... extraordinry. ^^



  19. I'm afraid that's the whole picture.. Thanks though ^^

  20. It reminds of the Toa Nuva from the movie. I like this one, the style's very elaborated, still I can recognize the set parts (are the arm pieces reversed?).I can see the Toa sketching his ideas to make them come true, everyone who draws would love to have such a power Like Taka Nuvia said, the eyes are impressive. I hadn't noticed until I read her reply.The only minor complaint is about the pencil, there's something weird but I couldn't say what. Apart from there's nothing else to say.Remember, once you start inking your works, you'll never go back Can I ask what's the element of the Toa?Keep it up, good job ^^
  21. Cool, I've always loved scenes like this in comics, this "zoom". It's so... perspective Also, the Matoran's well drawn too. Is he Dwanny himself?I like this one a lot, there are some imperfections in the lines but it's impossible not making any. How much did it take?Anyway you've been very active on BZP lately, you've uploaded a lot of artworks - and they're all awesome!It's quality and quantity. You have my respect
  22. Wow, cool! The style of the characters reminds the one from the movie, I like it. Love the map of Mata Nui.Tahu's about to hit Jaller with the stick Good details and shading - and welcome on BZPower! After the downtime many good artists left BZP, it's good to see new ones are coming ^^
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