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Hidron Nuva

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Everything posted by Hidron Nuva

  1. Due to Brickshelf being down (again), comics can't be displayed
  2. The tower of Fiarak Am-Eln dominates the surrounding regions with its height. Noone has ever seen the top of it, it's told it goes on forever. It seems to have always been there, while ages passed and the geological layers covered the then-first floors. It goes by many names, the Unending Tower, the Upright Horizon, the Tree of Infinity. Legends say it was built by the Great Beings, or something even more ancient. Few of ones that ventured deep in its chambers actually came back, and they refer of the rooms 'changing', and going on and on and on... Some came back with prophecies. Some with technology, others chased by monsters. Many never returned, or weren't the same. "It has secrets" they say, "secrets that are meant to remain just that". Rumors say it emits strange lights during certain cosmic allignments, but it's unknown. Everything is unknown about that building, except for one thing: it's there, a dark line against the landscape. Früna Mak
  3. There is evil in this world. And it's called 'exams'.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I actually like those better than the evil of homework. =P

    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Trust me, in time exams will become the true enemy D:

      If you don't pass them, they wait. And when you sleep, when you go to the cinema, when you buy groceries, you know they're still waiting for you.

      (Although it's quite cool not having to deal with homework anymore B) )

  4. Home of the omonimous race of Rahi that inhabits them, the Quixtolotl Falls are a dangerous place to find yourself in indeed. The water flows from the undereground, boiling and poisonous for all matoran, and fills the lake underneath. The surface of the lake seems oily, the water is opaque. Only the lizard-like creatures known as Quixtolotl seem to bare the extreme conditions of this region. Steam and smoke from the surrounding volcanos fill the air with a green-ish fog, the same colour of the scales of the deadly Rahi that could hide everywhere. The lack of flora and fauna makes the creatures quite famelic, but they can wait pretending to be a stone for hours. (Quixolotl reminded me of the Axolotl; my English is not perfect I apologize .-.) Wisterfalia
  5. I love this! I love twisted-ish things (although people who draw them usually aren't going through a great time). The shot is very 'cinematohraphic' if that makes any sense, it seems to have some perspective distortion. I like the black eyes a lot, she looks both in need of help and dangerous (the almost-symmetry makes her look more evil). Nothing more to say, I love dark stuff and this is some very evocative dark stuff (and nicely made ^^).
  6. Great work! I love this wave of 'fairy art' Is there a backstory?
  7. How cute! I really like your own take on the villagers, and the addition of clothing (The design of the brooch, made to resemble the shield, is a very nice touch). The scale armor-ish part is cool, too, and colors, although used as construction lines, work very well. I'm happy LEGO is producing more characters with the proportions of matorans, they're just so cute I could eat them all. Wish protectors were less expensive... Anyway good work!
  8. Very interesting! It reminds me of the serials by Greg, and gives me some nostalgia for the 2001-2003 story line. It's good to have Takua back as a protagonist! I'm curious about this story because the characters are well-known and yet their personalities are a little bit different from the canon, it brings some innovation to the world. Characters are nicely fleshed out and the Matoran society seems 'more adult' than it is in the main story, if that makes any sense. Do you write in Italian and then translate in English or write directly in English? Looking forward for the next chapter, keep it up!
  9. Hidron Nuva

    Ask me anything

    Are you feeling better? Also, what's your favourite color? (Don't think I ever asked but I think I know the answer )
  10. I was sure we were in each other's friend list already D:

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Millennium


      Oh well. Tell me your e-mail address (or is it public on your profile?)

    3. Hidron Nuva
    4. Millennium
  11. Hidron Nuva


    Sorry to hear that, hope you'll feel better soon!
  12. What do you think of that "black and blue/white and gold dress" thing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      I know that it's black and blue, I was rather referring to why people see it differently all over the internet. :)

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      My theory is that it mainly depends on the brightness/color of the screen (or the angle one is looking from). Don't know why it got so viral though.

      For me it's always looked blue and gold :(

    4. Ghidora131


      As for me, it looks white and black. Or maybe I need to change my screen to not mid-30s.

  13. Hidron Nuva

    not cool :c

    People can be so rude, even if you happen to step on someone's hair you could at least apologyze (and pay more attention in the future). Maybe a bun would be less drastical than cutting hair short, but the point is that it's within your rights to keep the hairstyle you prefer and others are supposed not to step on it! You're always so nice, I'd be planning my revenge >:}
  14. Wow! So dynamic, so much power in the position! And the pen makes color deeper, tridimensional (in the colored version of course). The design of the armor is very interesting. She looks so fierce!
  15. Some minor changes

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Awesome, both the artwork and the avatar.

    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Thank you :)

      I had to come up with something new, the Toa Mata had their time :\


  16. Your new name just made me lol :D

  17. You know I always love to see femine-yet-armoured characters Hands are really good and for reasons unknown to me at the moment, I like the legs a lot. Perspective is very good (in particoular on the torso area, where the arms cross), as well as shading. And proportions seem just fine to me. Hope we'll see more Toa Masters in the future!
  18. AWESOME NEW AVATAR/Cartoon Taka!! :D

  19. Heyyy how about your exams? :333

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      the one I had today went sorta well, I guess? :>

  20. Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli-lolli-lolli-lollipop

  21. Happy New YYYYYEEEEAR! :D

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