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Hidron Nuva

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Everything posted by Hidron Nuva

  1. Wow, these are so good I'm almost too in awe to reply at all. My favourite is the one from the Technorealm, in black/golden/red armor. I love her helmet (it's a she right?). And, although I'm not a big fan of humanized Bionicle, it's interesting seeing that maintain their ethnicity. Really good work!
  2. *poke*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      *happy to be poked*

      How ya doin? :D

      *pokes back*

    3. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      doing fine... I guess. The end of a semester is always super stressful, and I still need to figure out when to take which exam... :/

      *pokes back again*

    4. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Yeah I know, I'm going through the same situation :\

      2 exams passed, 3 more to go.

      *pokes again*

  3. I hope Frozen 2 will feature Kopaka

  4. Censored, thank you Sorry about that, in Italian it's not considered a word that needs censorship.
  5. I had this random idea so here's a quick something I put together. <- CLICK ME <- CLICK ME <- CLICK ME <- CLICK ME It was more fun in my head. Enjoy, and leave a reply!
  6. ↑ This (That Mona Lisa on the left is awesome xD)
  7. No I didn't, why would anyone induce hyperactivity in cildren? Do you know the game saga "Portal"?
  8. Nostalgia has stained everything I like

  9. Gotta say I didn't really understand the question
  10. It seems to me that very few fully accept the Bionicle storyline - everybody has his/her own headcanons. What one hates, the other loves. There are details of the canon story I don't like either, but coming up with my own version is some kind of "creative challenge", and I like it. Also, I find interesting reading others' versions, what they kept from the original, what are their headcanons. What I really liked (and still like after all these years) about Bionicle isn't the story "as it is", but the possibilities it gives. More or less like the sets themselves, that can be tweaked or used for original creations. I just wish GregF answered a little less questions, there are too many technical details that kinda sound like Retcons. Also, I tend to consider the Bionicle sagas as "separate stories", so in the 2001-2003 saga Makuta is Mata Nui's brother, some kind of evil spirit, while in the 2006-2008 saga he is a member of a species.
  11. Merry Christmas to you all! :)

    1. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Merry Christmas, Hidron! :D

    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Thank you, happy holidays ^^

  12. I don't like new sets at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Evergrey: Toa of Music

      Evergrey: Toa of Music

      Except for Umarak the Hunter, I'm not digging them too much either :/

    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Gotta say his mask doesn't look bad at all, but I liked the G1 style better. And I liked the 1st year of G2 better than this second one.

  13. Thankfully not ^^ Got ninja'd. They look nice, although probably I wouldn't have recognized the Death Star if you hadn't told me. I'm gonna ask this guy's question. Mostly because I liked that show. I'm sooo glad to know someone likes it. Talking of which, do you know a reboot of Samurai Jack is in the making? (I can feel my power grow as my reply count increases)
  14. Hidron Nuva

    So, update

    I'm glad the situation is either settled (should they behave) or easily settleable (should they not behave)
  15. You sank my battleship .__. Do you happen to know the TV series "Samurai Jack"?
  16. Did you have this talk then? Any news?
  17. Of course, in this way those who don't know them could do it, and those who do know them could enjoy some new contents about discontinued series. Do you think LEGO should make a theme about elves? (like LotR sets, not like the girlish LEGO Elves theme)
  18. I'd say yes, there's a lot of people playing it right now from what I've seen on the net. (Soran, thanks for the hint. The search for that beach starts tomorrow). Does the next person who replies have freckles?
  19. Yes, definitely - there's only a limited amount of Christmas movies you can watch from now to the 25th of December, you should take every chance! Will I ever find happiness? (It looks like the magic 8 ball lol)
  20. A Christmas avatar! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soran


      Looks good, I hadn't seen it yet.

    3. Ghidora131
    4. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Watch your language! She aint no hoe! I thought this website was family friendly. :<

  21. Ohmy that protector of fire is amazing. I love it. I wanted to say the elf looks cool but now I can't think of anything but the protector. I love doodles, hope to see more soon.
  22. The first thing I thought was "Well, he looks... femine?" and then I read it's actually meant to. I like how she doesn't need exagerated attributes to look female, it's something that for example I fail to achieve. The blaster reminds me of the Cordak from 2007, the fire decorations on the mask and armor are a very cool idea, and I like the mail on arms and legs. Maybe the chin could be a little more prominent but not necessarily. I always say it but coloring and shading are very good I'm happy to see art from you more or less regularly! Now, I'm 70% sure there are some English mistakes in my post... oh well
  23. I miss G1 actually :\

  24. I should probably change my avatar back to normal... tomorrow

  25. Hidron Nuva

    bad habits

    I've been on a diet for some months now, and it's not that simple. It's not a strict diet, but the fact of 'not being able to eat whatever I might want to' makes me actually want to eat more, even if normally you wouldn't. In times the rules I set to myself tend to become more elastic, eventually too elastic and every exception to the rule makes a precedent. I realized that trying to stick to the plan as long as I can is the only solution for me. On one hand a diet (made by a dietist) grants you a balanced intake of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and such) and "scheduled" results, but on the other hand you are no longer free to decide by yourself what to eat. As someone said, there are a few little but very important changes one can make, such as reducing the consumption of coca cola and beverages and the intake of sugar and bread/cookies (not cutting them out completly, just assuming less). When one is away from home most of the day it gets difficult to choose what to eat, so I tend to bring my lunch from home. For me it's very important that my brother follows my same diet, doing it together makes it much more bearable. So, my advice is to do all this with someone. A sibling, a friend. It really helps making it all way more acceptable ^^
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