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Hidron Nuva

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Everything posted by Hidron Nuva

  1. Whoa, thank you for the kind words! You made my day guys
  2. Whoa, this... this is stunning. Better than many of the actually released comics. Superb lineart, superb colouring, superb finishing touches (like getting the right font etc). It's only a page but I'm fairly sure the storyboard has the same quality of the drawing, plot-wise and shots-wise. Did you pose your sets and use pictures as references? I believe art has the power of making things interesting, and with a comic like this you can tell whatever you want. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if LEGO contacted you for drawing more comics sooner or later How much did it take? About the 3d mask, I like how it's hald way between the set one and the one we see in the online episodes. Hope we could see more of this. Nice work, really!
  3. So, I was browsing some old files and I realized there's a lot of quick sketches I'll probably never finish. I made a quick collage, here it is! I might update this topic when I make new sketches. --> Bunch of stuff From left to right, top to bottom: Tahu Mata/Stars, Gali Mistika with Hahli Mahri and Maku, a random Toa of Green (I like thinking he can make the plant around his arm grow at will), Maku again, Jaller wearing his Inika mask, Dalu, Akhmou (you little traitor), Tahu Mistika. --> Shadow Takanuva Wish I finished this one. --> Random Kopaka flying levitating People forget how overpowered the Mata were with their Golden Kanohi. This material is far from finished, but I'd like to hear what you have to say nonetheless, so C&C? Hope you like it!
  4. Yaay new pages! Can't wait to see Seth in action! I read all pages again from the first to the latests and now the plot makes more and more sense. Great job as usual! EDIT: I noticed you mentioned the "translator microbes"... Could it by any chance be a reference to Farscape?
  5. Hmm, it's like it has some "perspective lens distortion", it's a nice effect. And the line is clean and precise. It reminds me of your "borg" period It's like if a G1 character tries to rebuild herself to keep up with G2 and modernity, but I guess it's my point of view. I like the robotic details, it's nice how, while all Bionicle are robots, some can be more "robotic" than others. Hope to see this colored, maybe digitally?
  6. Whoa, loved the first picture! There's not enough Hau Mistika art out there IMO. I like clean, precise BIONICLE vector art. A lot. You used different styles and they're all awesome! And the speed drawing video is very useful too! You could make some very good MNOG-style art.
  7. Wonderful! And nostalgic. I've always wondered if there was a way to extract the data from the Bionicle games/stuff!
  8. Wow, super-cool! Looks more like an edited photo than a drawing, amazing! And I liked the idea of Tahu's eyes glowing in the Kraana's ones. I wish the Bohrok came back :\
  9. Happy Halloweek! >:D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Stroxx


      Short for Bionicle. Not sure where it came from. BTW happy Halloween you too! :)

    3. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Is 'Bonkle' meant to sound like 'Bionicle'? I got it only now LOL.

    4. Stroxx


      Kinda yes. XD

  10. Ok, first of all I gotta say I love how you made the shoulder armor resemble the set. And the wings, I love the wings. And the beak-nose. I have to say it looks more like a Vamprah after the transformation, but it's awesome nonetheless. Your work is so detailed! The hexagon pattern on the wings is a very nice touch. The torso is quite long, but yet again the torso of the set is long. I like his face because for me the set has always looked a little femine (probably because I expect blue characters to be female). Very cool work!
  11. I love how the details are made to resemble the actual set. And the flesh, I like the flesh. It's nice to see a biomechanical take on Bionicle every now and then. And it seems to have the proportions of the set too! I also like how you included the details of the mask in his expression, even though I've always imagined Antroz with a different personality but that's subjective. Color is superb. Always good to see something from ya, keep it up!
  12. I don't know how many will notice, but I've added Onua Tron to the topic :D

  13. New username, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Millennium


      I'm like super excited for Mass effect: Andromeda coming out next year, even though I will probably not be able to play it as I have only an Xbox 360 (and it's not even really mine).

      Lately I have been playing an old survival horror on the pc, Call of Cthulhu: dark corners of the earth. It's one of the best adaptation of Lovecraft's works ever made, even if it's not without its flaws (being extra hard even on low difficulty, for example)

    3. Millennium


      I'm like super excited for Mass effect: Andromeda coming out next year, even though I will probably not be able to play it as I have only an Xbox 360 (and it's not even really mine).

      Lately I have been playing an old survival horror on the pc, Call of Cthulhu: dark corners of the earth. It's one of the best adaptation of Lovecraft's works ever made, even if it's not without its flaws (being extra hard even on low difficulty, for example)

    4. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      I've been busy with uni and stuff, sorry :\

      I've watched some videos about Call of Cthulhu on YT, looks scary! In a good way. It reminds me of another game called "Amnesia". And that game about Slenderman. I like when games can make you feel real emotions, even though I'm don't play many games of this genre - usually I just panic and run untill I die.

      Is the plot of Mass Effect aboun one main protagonist or the character you use changes from game to...

  14. Found this post in the topic he made about the Krana. I was thinking of melting the pieces in an open area, using an extension cord for the oven (not the oven my family uses to bake). I doubt I'll ever manage to try out my theory though, I doubt I'll ever get the chance :\
  15. Yeah, I want to make only parts that were never made in a certain color - or that are too expensive in that color (for example misprint masks like Kapura's). I wanted to make the missing 2003 Matorans like Kongu or Onepu, or Damek. Since I modded my sets I don't need the hip piece (that would have been quite hard to make anyway). For now I wanted to make a purple Miru. About the "moustache" pattern, at least it's symmetrical, it looks like made on purpose and it's hard to notice ^^ I was thinking of putting some clear film between the mask and the clay while making the mold, in that way it should be way easier to remove and the original mask shouldn't get dirty. I was also considering melting actual LEGO pieces to make my custom masks in the same material as the original ones. Basically I would put the pieces in a funnel connected to the mold. Then anything goes in the oven, the plastic melts and enters the mold just like resin would. I have many doubts about this approach working, but I wanted to give it a try anyway. I hope to see more custom masks by you soon!
  16. Sweet! I have always wanted to make my own masks, I'm looking for some silicone to make the molds myself. It's good to see the results can be this good ^^ I want to make Damek the Matoran, the MolToran leg piece is gonna be hard to make. The mask you made seems to have some kind of "moustache pattern" under the eyes - is it present in the original mask too? Was it meant to have it? It would be interesting to make custom masks (through custom molds), for example adding Kopaka's eyepiece to another mask and so on.
  17. I wonder how we will replace the broken pieces in 2040. I wish the new pieces had the socket used for the armor pieces (also used for Hero Factory 2.0 heads).
  18. I thought Makuta wanted to use the mask to know what are his and others' destinies, like he said in the movie. He would have known if his plan was gonna succeed, and knowing others' destinies might give him an advantage. Lazyness doesn't seem a good reason to want the Mask of Time to me.
  19. I've awlays wondered if there's another Jaller in the Red Star, living his life as a Matoran and such. Who knows if the Red Star can be used for creating clones and clones of certain characters. Anyway, I believe some details of the story just shouldn't be considered 100% canon - it's easier than making up all this 'mask imprint' thing. There are too many details created ad hoc in the Bionicle story IMHO.
  20. ↑ Ok, after reading this I was like Thank you! And I'm happy that, apart from the drawings, you like the idea! I was thinking of making the Toa Nuva's discs halfway between the Kanoka and the normal ID discs. A possible Twilight Takanuva should have two discs :3 Really, a Bionicle/Tron crossover offers so many possibilities, I hope I could explore them through a comic but it's a little bit too much for my abilities. Also, I'm very very glad you appreciate the designs and the drawings
  21. Kopaka is up! Hopefully Onua will follow soon. Thank you all! That'd be quite awesome, yup ^^ I thought that too! He looks like some kind of Sith Samurai. I also thought someone would notice he's a little bit too pink As for the design, I gotta say I came up with it before the new sets came out, I wanted it to kinda remind the Nuva Symbols. Still, I like how it became a point of connection with the new sets. I use a Wacom Intuos PTZ-630, it does the job. If you haven't, I really advise that you download the driver from the Wacom website, the default windows driver does not even support pressure sensitivity. Also, it took me some time to get used to the tablet being less wide than the screen (so that if I draw a square, it becomes a rectangle in the screen). About the cesta, it works more or less like the tip of the Kholii staff during the battle between Taka and Makuta. Taka is supposed to be able to 'transform' his staff in this cesta, and vice versa. A disc fight with Makuta would have looked cool too, though.
  22. So, how ya doin? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Quite well :D

      I'm pretending university is past and that it will not start again in one month.

    3. Onaku


      Yep. Denial is definitely a healthy way to live one's life. ;)

    4. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      You said it ;D

      In all this time I still hadn't noticed we weren't in each other's friend list already.

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