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Hidron Nuva

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Everything posted by Hidron Nuva

  1. Back with some more sketches! I'm still practicing with my graphic tablet, and I've made some sketches from a project I started 4 years ago. I wanted to make the Toa Nuva in the style of the movie TRON: Legacy. Now, I don't know how many of you have seen the film: basically some people get 'digitalized' and enter the operative system of a computer. Here are the older drawings from this project: Kopaka Lewa Takanuva In this story the Toa Nuva have to enter Mata Nui's OS to reboot him while in the Codrex. Then they find out Makuta has entered the OS too (through the chamber under the Great Coliseum in Metru Nui) and is trying to replace Mata Nui as administrator. Click the thumbnails! Each drawing comes in two versions (with the light "on" and with the light "off"), click the half you want to see. Here's Gali (Yes those are actual cloth sleeves) And here's Lewa Here we have Pohatu Here is Tahu Here's Kopaka Here is Onua And last but not least, Takanuva (His armor has some elements from the suits of the original TRON movie. The thing in his right hand is a cesta, used for a game called Hyperball or Ring Game. It reminded me of the Kholii fight between Taka and Makuta, so in my story Taka challenges Makuta to this game ) Here are the references for the design of each Toa. I hope Onua and Kopaka will follow soon, I'll update this topic should I draw them. EDIT: 24/08 Added Kopaka, Onua will follow soon. EDIT: 01/09 Added the references for each Toa. I'm still working on Onua's weapons, for some reason they won't turn out well... EDIT: 26/09 Added Onua. Very late. Uni keeps me busy, sorry folks! I really wish I could make more of this, I'd love to make a comic but it takes so much time and I'm kinda fickle. For now, enjoy the sketches I hope someone will be inspired and make more BioniTron contents! Songs from the movie OST I listened while drawing: - The Game Has Changed - Derezzed - Fall - C.L.U. Leave a post and let me know what you think, comments and criticism are very welcome!
  2. Washing them is the first thing I tried, I brushed them with a toothbrush but I got no results... More than blotchy, it's like the most "exposed" parts get dark. I thought it might depend from the contact with the skin of the hands, but I doubt it. Tomorrow I'll try with some ammonia... EDIT: I tried ammonia, no effect... It's like there's some kind of film on the piece, and it's peeling off. The film is dark/yellow-ish, and under it the piece is green-ish. My poor sets ._.
  3. Yeah I'm sure about it since the piece doesn't darken uniformly, it's like stained (you can see in the pics Iruini's shield and Takanuva's mask). The most exposed parts of the piece gets quite dark, I might upload a picture of a compairson between a normal piece and a tarnished one. I keep them in a chimney cupboard, the door is never completly closed. By what I've seen, keeping them in a ventilated area might slow down the process. I've never used any kind of product to wash them. The weirdest part of it all is that Lhikan's mask returned to its original color (Lhikan is awesome).
  4. I hoped it had happened to somebody else before Another weird thing is that the Iruini I bought was used but the colors were ok. Once in my house, it tarnished. Is it something in my house then? I tried to scrape the dark pattern from the pieces but under it the plastic is green-ish. Pieces like the Metru feet, the Metru shoulder pads, the Nuva chestpiece or the Nuva shoulder pads never tarnished, but the Avohkii, Iruini's chestpiece and the Metru leg armor did. Yesterday I tried putting the piece in a glass of peroxide and leaving it exposed to the sun for some hours, nothing happened. I thought I might try ammonia, or just give up.
  5. In 2009 I used my dark Avohkii for Twilight Takanuva before the actual set came out
  6. Thanks for the link. This can be helpful for yellowed pieces, although I doubt it's what's happened to the golden plastic. I might try this on a yellowed piece and some golden ones.
  7. I've noticed many of my golden pieces from 2003-2006 turned dark in time, and I really wish I could do sometthing about it. When my Avohkii went dark I bought another one but soon enough the new one went dark as well. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I believe it's because my house is quite humid. Is there a solution, a way to revert the process? My Lhikan mask turned dark, but years later it went back to its original color without explaination. So far I've tried bicarbonate, lemon juice, ammonia, peroxide, soap, salt, leaving the piece in the sun for a couple of hours, casting the piece in boiling water, putting it in a peroxide glass and leaving it in the sun. No results at all. Here are some pictures of the pieces: 1 2 3 4 So, what do you think?
  8. Tahu Stars was my last purchase from a shop. I bought Turaga Matau and Turaga Nokama on eBay some months ago.
  9. I'd like CCBS better if there were more torso options, and a wider variety of armor pieces. Also, I'd appreciate more "tight-looking" armor pieces for more humanoid characters.
  10. Sets-wise I hate how fragile the pieces are - in time Bionicle pieces will become harder and harder to find, but this won't make them any more resistant. Story-wise I don't like how the serials were left unfinished, with so many question marks and so many unsolved situations. Also, while the water characters are the only ones supposed to be female, they're also among the bulkiest (Dalu, Hahli Mahri, Gali Mistika...). Hahli Inika's mask looks cool on a male character, but don't tell me it looks femine. Same for Gali Mistika.
  11. Nuparu was my favourite but he became a Toa. I'm also a big fan of the Company of the Chronicler, so I'd say Taipu because he has a big heart and wears a Pakari (Matorans with Pakari are so cute).
  12. Yesterday I saw Ant-Man. I think I'll reconsider the power of the Norik's mask.

  13. Now I'm curious, could anyone post a picture of a white 2003 Matoran wearing Onua's golden mask?
  14. Geez, thanks, I'm embarassed (BTW your signature fits perfectly ahahah)
  15. I've just tried to dowload it from the Software Library but it's just like the copy I have :\ I remember it used to work properly - with sound etc. Maybe it's a compatibility issue? I wanted to know if anyone has ever encountered this problem, and if they know of someone who solved it. I tried running the game as amministrator and using different compatibility modes but it didn't work.
  16. Thank you all! I tried to shorten a little bit the neck, and make the head slighty bigger (the best part of digital art is that you can change whatever you want). If you like it, I might update the topic. Yeah, I think that too. There's some kind of movement that is lost cleaning the lines (maybe because I'm not good enough at doing it yet). Thank you for sharing That-1-Cactus's tumblr, it's really interesting! I had seen some of his works around the internet but I didn't know the author. I was thinking I might do all of the Mata, I tried Gali but I'm not much satisfied with the result. Might upload it maybe. And then I'll start Pohatu
  17. I love how the Matoran can take off Kanohi and armor
  18. I'm trying to practice a bit with my graphic tablet, so I made a quick sketch of Kopaka and colored it. He's always been my favourite character. And he works alone. Note that lines are FAR from clean, might work on it in another moment but I kinda like as it is. I'm trying to reach a good balance between human proportions and those of the set. Click the thumbnail for the full image <-- Click me Like it? Don't like it? Have some tips? Leave a comment EDIT: Here's the original version with a longer neck, thanks for the tips!
  19. So, first of all, I don't know if a topic like this is allowed. Yesterday I was overwhelmed by nostalgia and I decided ot play the once-popular game by created user Populus, called Toa's Quest. The problem is that there's no audio! Is it because of I have the wrong version of the game, or it's a compatibility issue? Has anyone solved this problem? Will someone upload a working version for me?
  20. I decided to watch the video and took a screenshot: You can see there's Pohatu in the background and his colors (brown and tan) are darker than this Matoran's ones. So I guess it's truly white and gold afterall.
  21. The saddest part is that Bionicle doesn't age for me, it ages for everyone else. Suddenly you realize you're a fan of a toy line started 15 years ago, ended 5 years ago. Like, the kids born the day I got my Tahu Mata now are 15. It's become a memory of something that was.
  22. Hope to see more sketches in the future!
  23. Buying all of the Mata. One day I realized my brother had this brown toy, and I suddenly fell in love. I wanted one too, so my mum agreed to buy me Tahu if I got good marks. I remember I cried because I got to the shop too late and it was closed, and I could see Tahu through the glass. I remember assembling Onua in the backseat of the car on the way back home from the store. I remember I had to go with my dad somewhere because there was noone home, and he agreed to buy my Pohatu so that I wouldn't get bored. I remember getting Lewa and Gali for my birthday (what a surprise it was to discover Gali's mask is translucent!), finally completing the team. I immediatly built the Kaita and made them fight. By the way, I thought Kopaka's shield was a rotating saw and that the hands with two fingers were guns. Also, when I got Lehvak-Kal I decided I would take him with me wherever I went, and so I did for a month or so. It was like my pet, I'm surprised I didn't loose the Krana!
  24. I'd love some big katanas that can open to become more or less like Nivawk's wings.
  25. Kanohi all the way, they're not only collectibles but they can also be used in MOCs and such.
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