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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Hahli Husky

  1. Are you talking about your signature or your epic preview? Either way, no sweat. :P Took me like a year or two before I knew all the rules.

  2. Audrey Hepburn = CLASS. YOU WIN. *hug*

  3. Aww lol poor Havoc.

  4. Aww man, why the heck does your new name have to also be my middle name?!? D=


  6. Blargh. I do believe I did read that...and thought I replied...hmm, will get to it asap!!

  7. BTW, Al = ♥ and Vampire Knight = Moar ♥!

  8. But apparently -your- cake is not a lie. >3

  9. But I'm allergic to BBC ... AWWW MAN

  10. Chocolate chickens

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD
    2. Queen of Noise

      Queen of Noise

      That's definitely a cleverly-disguised euphemism

    3. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Ssshhhhh shh shhh shhhhh. Don't give away my plans to the enemy.

  11. D= *rapid poke of death*

  12. D= What's wrong? *hug*

  13. Dangit SOMEDAY I will get you back up to 5 stars.

  14. Definitely Fierce Deity Link.

  15. Did you get the Hahli I sent to you? XP

  16. Doing well, busy, but well. :P WISHING FOR SUMMERRRRRR

  17. Dude, ever since I interviewed you I've been noticing your name all over tha place. D= Stop haunting me! You will never find out where I live!!!!


  18. Dude, your name is win. All that needs to be said. Ever.

  19. Every time I go to my profile I see my last status update from over two years ago and I think about changing it but I can never think of anything interesting enough to say

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