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Nuju Metru

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Everything posted by Nuju Metru

  1. Nuju Metru


    But it's less powerful. Read my argument. THEN YOUR BANISHED FROM HIS BLOG!!! (Not Really) This looks pretty good. For now, you have me convinced. GO NUJU! GO NUJU! GO NUJU! GO NUJU! -Agent 692 GO ME! -Nuju Metru
  2. Yeah, me too. Hey! :angry: -Nuju Metru
  3. Steam can, actually be a weapon. Like all gases, it is strong when confined. Many types of weapons could be made using that kind of pressure-power to propel a projectile great distances, similar to a Nynrah Ghost blaster. My Question to you: how could fire be used destructively against water? It isn't possible. Unless there is oil on the liquid, it cannot be lit, and anything flaming flung into water will be doused. As for evaporating the water, this can only be done in certain places. For example, can you evaporate the entire ocean? -Nuju Metru
  4. Nuju Metru


    I'm debating with Toa Humva of Alex here. -Nuju Metru
  5. Friction, in fact, is one of the main causes of fire. Sparks are fire. I'm not talking about the volt kind, I'm talking about the other kind. Make a little friction, you get a spark. Sparks do not eat away oxygen. Yet, they will catch something on fire, and start a raging fire. In the end, you'll get stuck with sparks. But sparks can kill. True, true. But does the sun have oxygen on it? No. It is caused by something else. Indeed... but we cannot recreate the sun on earth. It's example of oxygen-less fire is a good one, but an impossible one as well. -Nuju Metru EDIT: I had begun to reply when you posted the next question, Jedi Gali, and didn't see it. My apologies.
  6. Fire. A beacon of light that ignited our humanity. This much can be said about that source of energy. But it is so fragile! Starved of oxygen, smote with water, stomped out, all ways of ending a blaze of any size. Water, on the other hand, is indestructible. Evaporate it, freeze and smash it, Water won't go away. -Nuju Metru Fire is always there. No matter how hard you try, there will always be heat. And where there is heat, there is fire. Starved of oxygen, yes. But Oxygen is always there, even in the voids of space. Smote with water, maybe. Fire will turn water to steam. Stomp it, perhaps. A big enough fire will always prevail. No matter what, there is always fire. Even if it's just a spark, fire is always out there. Both fire and water are always there. There will always be heat, not necessarily fire. Fire is not the only source of heat there is. Friction, for example, can create heat. As for the oxygen, that isn't true. Fire will greedily suck up oxygen, but if the space it is in has a limited amount of the gas, eventually, that flame will be put out. -Nuju Metru
  7. Fire. A beacon of light that ignited our humanity. This much can be said about that source of energy. But it is so fragile! Starved of oxygen, smote with water, stomped out, all ways of ending a blaze of any size. Water, on the other hand, is indestructible. Evaporate it, freeze and smash it, Water won't go away. And when the sun dies, Human life can't exist. My element can influence humanity as long as it is around, while the sun won't intervene until its collapse. Everything will fall granted it's hot enough. And if it isn't? Water will destroy no matter its temperature. -Nuju Metru
  8. It's Nuju. Yes, yes, thats true. However, the sun isn't scheduled to die for another couple billion years, unlike water, which is constantly doing its destructive work here on earth. True also. But fire does not do the damage, it merely initiates it. -Nuju Metru
  9. Thank you, Alex. You just made my argument for me. After all, we are trying to prove our side to be more deadly than the other. Yes, Water is a far more dangerous natural weapon, as seen in Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and floods. -Nuju Metru
  10. EDIT: Sorry, I posted a reply to Alex's answer. Very true, Alex. Human life would be very different without fire. But consider this: without water there would be no life, at all. Fire may influence Human life heavily, but water is what gives us a life to influence. -Nuju Metru
  11. Thank you. Well, as I said before, water has an unbreakable hold on our, and every other living things', lives. The only reason earth is habitable is because of its water. Without water, we would die of dehydration. Now to cultural influence. First, think of Poseidon, the Greek god of Water and sea. He was considered to be a very powerful deity, second only to Zeus. Or, remember the many rain gods worldwide. Ancient peoples would pray and sacrifice to these spirits to bring them life-giving, crop-growing rain. Without this, they would die, inevitably. -Nuju Metru
  12. Hello everyone. Thanks to everyone for watching, and thank you to Jedi Gali for hosting these superb debates, and thank you to Toa Humva of Alex for participating with me in this online argument. It is my hope that you shall be a worthy opponent. The topic of this debate is simple; which is a more powerful natural weapon: Fire or Water? I will be debating on the side of Water. Not only is our planet 75% water, but this simple liquid is also the most formidable force on Earth. The oceans and seas, vast and ceaseless, are constantly in a waving dance, which no force can stop. Water is an enemy of stone which will never surrender: it shall drive and drive for eternity until there is an eroded passage in the stone through which it can pass. Waves of immense and horrible power use water as a deadly, crushing wall, that will spare nothing in its path of desolation. As every living thing requires water to stay alive, the power that is water has a tight monopoly on all life. With an abundance of this liquid, there is flood, where beings shall be drowned in a choking mass of water. With a lack of water, the land is thrust into terrible, dry drought, in which nothing can survive. Water is invincible. No matter how much you evaporate or freeze it, there shall always be more, due to the water cycle, endlessly dropping more of it from the sky. Fire, however, can be put out and stopped, even if there is a mile-wide flame, it can still die for lack of oxygen. Also, very importantly, water can put out fire, wile fire cannot do the same. -Nuju Metru
  13. Nuju Metru


    You wish. -Nuju Metru
  14. Expect to see a huge piece of art from me later today... A group shot of the Toa Inika... -Nuju Metru
  15. Disturbia actually sounds good for an idea. -Nuju Metru
  16. Nuju Metru

    I'm Back!

    Nope... I never noticed that you were gone... -Nuju Metru
  17. Thank you for thanking me for thanking you. I really appreciate all of my friends, but you and Taka stood out as some of my best artist friends. -Nuju Metru
  18. Nuju Metru

    Let Us Remember

    A Moment of silence in is memory. ...... -Nuju Metru
  19. Yeah, I've seen those. '09 Pirates = OWNAGE -Nuju Metru
  20. See here. Didn't ever expect one of my quotes would inspire a drawing. -Nuju Metru
  21. There IS a BZeatles category, right? -Nuju Metru
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