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Everything posted by Malakyr

  1. Edward is from Fullmetal Alchemist. An Anime, if I am not mistaken.
  2. Yeah, V is the coolest

  3. I also prefer Tea

  4. I wanna cookie! =O

  5. Get the strait jacket... I'll hold them down...
  6. I am so gonna prank you to death, Bfa...
  7. I'm a busy person... >:(

  8. Excuse me, but... When did Roodaka die? Is there some serial I have not read? Federation of Fear chapter Seven, mayhap?
  9. I agree with the Swertster. Life can indeed be cruel...
  10. Nice animation, I have to press gang you into making some Comics sometime...
  11. Murderous? No... Maybe "Trigger Happy"... It's not murder to kill a non-existant, yet, evil character from BIONICLE...
  12. I will be entering, bud... AND SWEEPIN' YA ALL OF YA FEET! 8D (XD)

  13. I'll be praying, as we belive in the same things... Good luck to you.
  14. I am SO entering your DH contest... ^^

  15. ...No offence, but, Carapar is... Lego. But you understand that, this was all for a laugh. If it makes you feel better, I might have a Carapar Revamp up sometime... The Keyword is "Sometime", though.
  16. The world is wacky, deal with it.
  17. Both, I would say. But Photok would indeed be very good for Toa MoCs.
  18. First I need to get a stupid Memorex disk... ;_;

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