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Everything posted by Malakyr

  1. We miss your MoCs! We miss your MoCs! We miss your MoCs!

    A thousand times over,

    We miss your MoCs!


  2. It's sad, though. Why are you leaving, anyway?

  3. Possible arguments over female BIONICLE characters is not advised. ()
  4. So, ARE you leaving?

  5. Be where you wish, Toa of Demons, but rest in peace.

  6. Malakyr

    Update Bloggy

    ...What Turakii said...
  7. Well, Natha. I just wanted to say that your MoC's are totaly Awesome.

  8. Hiya, Bfa, Gabbleh? (XD)

  9. You think you can tell us what to wear? (XD)

  10. Flyleaf is TOTAL win... So s Linkin Park and Skillet. ^^

  11. Yeah, Imma gonna comment now

  12. Malakyr

    Update Bloggy

    Some blogs just attract people. Like Bees to honey.
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