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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. OOC: Reintroduction! IC: (Mons Shajs) "There'a be Toa who'a canna make metal outta thin air," Shajs said, standing next to Trieze. "They ain't as comman as say, tha Toa 'o Water, but ther'a are many 'o em. Karz, if what yer sayin' is true, one 'o em could destabilize yer econ'ome!"
  2. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer) Larikon stared aghast at Echelon having the book. It must have been a copy looted by the Guardsmen from Blackrock, traded by heathen dealers of estorica for centuries. But to nonbelievers, it would give them not any power. It took belief in Ak'rei'an, knowledge of the higher mysteries, and the holy power of the Purple Lightstone working in tandem with the holy text to access the blessings of the Archangel. Echelon was playing with powers he was unable to comprehend, unable to tackle. His mind bobbed with anger, but he knew he had to control it. His faith in the power of Ak'rei'an held firm, though he felt he might need to show these lesser heathens his power firsthand. To instill upon them fear and respect. Such an action, to demonstrate Ak'rei'an's presence, would help them immensely. "I will state truthfully its powers are beyond sense, beyond measure, beyond the realms of the natural. If that can constitute nonsense," he began, trying to calm his voice. "No doubt you have seen the powers of Makuta. Powers real, but powers I refuse to worship by principle. Probably you have seen the Dark Being, heard his voice, seen his influence upon man and beast. As you have seen that of Makuta, I have seen that of Ak'rei'an. We can not only see his power, but interact with it, gain enlightenment from its very presence. You, and most likely your kin around this room, see me and my order as madmen. You likely think me a charlatan, fooling my brothers and sisters with parlor tricks and mirrors. When in fact, that is so far from the truth that I may laugh at it, if I allow myself to do such." He gave a hint of a smile. "It is my desire to negotiate, Echelon. But it appears our conversation is being derailed by petty discussion. And, if we continue as is, it will continue to be derailed. Now, I do not wish to bicker upon matters of faith. And to avoid such drivel, let me state I will happily pause this conversation to give a demonstration. A demonstration to show our book and our faith are quite founded in truth. That it can be seen, and inspire awe and respect in even the most devout of your own faithful. Me and my followers can perform for all to see a sacrifice within the square, below the steps of this Citadel. We did it before, in the distant past, and we can do such again. But once it is done, and we show a taste of the power Ak'rei'an holds, can we get down then to business?"
  3. Taajar still carry small stone knives to this day... But anyways, the BZPRPG with all of these tight rules makes it a certain kind of game. Makes it a manageable, highly consistent game with very little bickering, or else player abuses. It has some flaws, but is nonetheless enjoyable and balanced. For all the complaining about them, let me bring up the example of the old, Pre-2011 BZPRPG as a counterpoint to the game at present. Having played since '09, I think I have a fairly good grasp about what it was. Now, back in the days of the Santun/Kin, and up to Locus Abeo, the rules were incredibly loose. Players could create virtually anything. Fully powered Makuta (I personally had several), Toa with one to two elements, or combined elements, custom Kanohi, Elements, and Species without any hint of staff involvement. Players could create gigantic organizations with fully-fleshed militaries. For example, the old Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an had a player Archangel, Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Forces! All this remained until '09, when this lack of rules degraded the game into an admittedly fun battle between villain/neutral factions. One so severe that the entire world was destroyed because of their actions, and Tuck had to ferry out everyone onto magic ships to Aensetr Derrum. So, try not to complain about too much rules. Knowing the alternative, be thankful, very thankful.
  4. OOC: Sena will be meeting Kulrik a little bit later, Fanixe... IC: (Senavysh Angavur) "I find it acceptable, Lord Inokio," Sena said. "What would you wish to discuss about my people?"
  5. Ak'rei'an is dead, in regards to not having a mortal vessel. His spirit is, however, in exile, and his earthly energies power the Purple Lightstones. Which have actualized powers, which have been manipulated...
  6. Precisely. The Brotherhood is a very old group, with a great many Grandmasters. All he did was rescind the previous, ancient policy. Something deeply unpopular (In-game, I hope) but nonetheless needed to see the group presumably thrive.
  7. IC: (Senavysh Angavur) Senavysh had a letter made to Kulrik, to tell him she'd meet at a punctual, but later hour. Meetings such as these came quite rarely, and it would be dishonorable not to attend. So being flanked by two Zrupgars, she came into the palace, and into the meeting room. Inokio was there, alone. Silently, she dismissed her guards, and took a seat. "Hello, Lord Inokio," she said curiously. "Might I ask, what would you wish to discuss?"
  8. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer) Larikon would not reveal the truth. Echelon seemed to be trying to toy with him, bring up vulnerabilities, weaknesses. But Ak'rei'an watched his earthly moves. If he allowed the Makuta-servants to exploit them, or worse, he would surely be condemned to the hellslime. He had to move quietly, tactfully. He could feel not only the eyes of Echelon upon him, but the eyes of many zealous Makuta servants as well. Many among them were surely hostile, or else unhappy about the situation. An aspect both groups shared. "Our holy text first came to this island upon the shores of this very Wahi. In the arms of a dead Matoran it laid, from lands beyond our knowledge, bound in skin, and written in blood. I have studied its ancient words, and seen it copied time and time again. Within it, there is not a mention of the Dark God, of Makuta. Only the great enemy, the great tyrant upon the peoples of the earthly plane, Mata Nui. It is for him and him alone we hold the deepest revilement, the deepest hatred." "It was by decree from our second Grandmaster that Makuta was declared a false god. From then it has been commonly accepted doctrine within our order. I have chosen to disregard it as an obstacle to greater goal. The goal of converting, or destroying those who continue to worship the demon known as Mata Nui. For far too long, my predecessors chose to rot within the depths of Onu-Wahi, dying a slow, hapless death due to isolation. I killed the Grandmaster before I, strangled him with my bare hands, to end that isolation. From then I built my order up, slowly but surely. But unfortunately, the heathens intervened, as they did against my order millennia ago. From then, I wanted vengeance, to soak my blade in the blood of the Mata Nuiians, and make them pay for all the humiliation they have inflicted upon my group." "When you came to Blackrock, I chose the pragmatic option. To better achieve my order's crusade, I chose to disregard the ancient doctrine, to give us a better chance at achieving vengeance. And what a chance it has been. Alone, it would have taken my order decades to build up the strength to take a city. But with the Legacy, it took hours. And in those hours, we have managed to achieve some retribution, for all the Mata Nuiians have cut down since the distant past. That is why I joined you, Echelon, that is why I led my order to fight alongside you and your men against the worshippers of Mata Nui. Revenge, a simple pleasure, and a righteous pleasure."
  9. OOC: Brainfart here, but invitation? IC: (Senavysh Angavur) "I will take up your offer, Lord Inokio," Sena said. "If the Empress is in need of consul, I will do my best to provide."
  10. OOC: Sure, in the background. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer, The Citadel) It was certainly a strange request. But nonetheless, he would deliver as neutrally and punctually as he could. He was not a diplomat, such things he had usually left to Jorruk, upon the rare instances it came up. But he was not entirely inexperienced in such matters, having been a fairly good businessman before his enlightenment. But this was not haggling for an Ussal crab, not at all. He would show himself to be able and amiable. "I received an invitation," he said bluntly. "Myself having been incapacitated due to circumstances beyond my own control, I have been unable to take it up until this very day. Nonetheless, now is as good a time as ever to come and discuss such matters as I have previously stated." OOC: I'd assume he was invited.
  11. IC: (Senavysh Angavur) "Though you must allow me a small time for reprieve," she said to the Vilda, before turning to Inokio. "Yes, Lord Inokio?" she said politely. IC: (Iolatra Angavur) Iola quietly led the Toroshu out of the library, and into the other wing. The armory came before the barracks, and went back behind them quite a distance. There was everything stored within its racks. Mainly it was Taajar weaponry, Katar, Kris swords, cavalry scimitars and bows. But further down were large numbers of half-pikes, coated in a small layer of dust. The Taajar villagers were, nonetheless, expected to go to war if needed, or defend the village from attackers. "We do not trade many Taajar weapons, except to our vassal clans who wish to buy them. Most weapons our artisans carve are of Imperial type, Katana, Naginata, Jian. All are made to last as long as possible, and hold a razor edge for years. For example, many weapons stored there saw action in the last Fursic rebellion, a few the one before. If you or your guard wish, take any weapon of Imperial design, as a token of good will. I think even there are some in yellow." OOC: New computer is making colors wonky as heck...
  12. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer) The Dark Toa was taller than him, by a little over an inch. The Grandmaster was however far more developed physically, as opposed to Echelon's lithe, comparatively lighter frame. Nonetheless, Larikon did not feel much intimidation. He would have to approach the leader of the Makuta-servants with caution, negotiating smartly and effectively to ensure his Brotherhood would benefit. He would come first with the matter of territory, and then go in to the far more complicated matters of governance, military division and expansion. "I would like to discuss matters of territory. How the city will be organized, as a matter of fact. Who shall be responsible for lawmaking, order and otherwise governance of specific neighborhoods and sections." He turned to Jorruk, and snapped his finger. Jorruk took out a small table, and unfurled parchment, that turned out to be a plan of Ko-Koro, detailed to the names of the streets. Jorruk also held with him a fountain pen. "Now, let me start by saying I believe the Citadel should become shared by the factions. An area to coordinate jointly our respective forces, and maintain a fairly centralized government. If such is agreed, I request religious neutrality within its grounds." OOC: Ardron retconned out.
  13. IC: (Senavysh Angavur) "Okay then, to the markets," Sena said. "I think we should look to the sellers of antiques first. They could probably be our most reputable source." IC: (Iolatra Angavur) Iola first walked with a stead stride to a doorway along the hall's side. Through their great twin doors was the Library of Clan Angavur. Towering to the top of each wall were shelves upon shelves of books. Arsix could see that there wasn't a single text in tablet form, all were leather, with pages of vellum. They ranged in age from seemingly ancient to freshly bound. Around them, Elders and youths alike read in silence. "My people are too often thought of as uncivilized barbarians. When in fact, we have a civilization as old as yours. In antiquity, our people controlled all of Oki, and vast stretches of Odaiba. Our tribes never were unified, at the very least for long. Instead, they were confederations of clans called Hordes, ruled over by great warlords from both sexes. In the most ancient of those books right above our heads are epics, poems and songs that even today we read and celebrate. It's one part of our country we maintain with quite some fervor." She couldn't help but love the place. "As I believe you know, the Empire whittled our Hordes down, and fought us until our subjugation upon Mount Koshiki. Yet we still hold on to our traditions, while making steps to progressing into the modern world.... Now, to the armory?" OOC: Formatting is odd with my new computer.
  14. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer) Each house was guarded, and each house was packed like a can of sardines. And many houses there were. In the bedlam following the fall, their progress in securing the city had been rather slower. But their focus upon finding heathens and capturing them paid off. The strongest, and most pliable among them were beginning to be converted, courtesy of Rakona and Ryjak. The fate of the rest was to be decided at a later time. A new order would emerge, soon. But before it could come into effect, he needed to speak with Echelon, upon the details on how their city would run, and how it would divided, and how it would expand. He walked with Jorruk Yokin, his Steward, and right hand man, and the Steward's zombie, Ardron. Up the steps he went, up the steps of the once-sacred Sanctum. From its ramparts hung the banners of the Legacy, and the Brotherhood, right and left, fluttering in the cold winds. It made him proud, if not with a hint of unease. By the time the had reached the top of the stairs, Jorruk in his ungainly size had began to pant and heave from the exertion. Granting his Knight-Brother a chance to regain composure, he entered the halls of the Sanctum. The guards gave to him an suspicious look, which Larikon dispelled after casting down his hood. With one of them helping, The Grandmaster was led through the dimly lit halls to the throne-room. Upon the seat of the once-great Kopaka the Dark Toa sat, his strange mask partially shrouded in darkness. "Hello, Echelon," he said in a polite, almost amicable tone. "Let me say this is a meeting long overdue. We have an entire city primed for a new destiny, and so many who wish to see it fail. That being said, can I ask for your time to discuss matters of state?"
  15. What's Hala-Koro? And the Horn of Dead Dreams? Also, I'll be less active due to an all-so convenient holiday cold.
  16. So, just out of curiosity, what the heck is happening?
  17. IC: (Iolatra) Iolatra stood up. It was so very little that she was able to do this sort of thing, with an Imperial, nonetheless. It would be simple. Hall, library, armory, and perhaps the Sokoai pens to the back. It wouldn't take too long, she thought. "This is Greywood Longhouse, the seat of the Taajar court. It was built after we were granted our lands after the defeat of the Konyat Horde by the Empire in late antiquity. It is made of wood felled from ancient trees, which has been preserved and restored periodically over the years. Here the noble family lives and trains with our Menti and Elders. The walls to the outside are older than the village. In the wars with the Fursic the Taajar have joined in, they have been attacked several times. Each attempt by the rebels at takeover being repulsed, thank Mother Zuto." She looked to the sides. "Would you like to go to the armory, or library first?"
  18. Are secretly distributed by a corporation run by Elvis. Pens.
  19. I'll honestly admit, like Ghosthands, I didn't really have female characters until the Dasaka, at the least, for this period of the RPG. All in all, I will say I've preferred Male characters. But I do not have anything against female characters, I've had several over many RPGs in my time here. It is simply a personal taste. That being said, I have always tried to play those characters with respect and dignity. As normal, fleshed-out characters (Depending upon my own writing skills, mind you), not walking, talking stereotypes. I've always thought I could do better than that. That I could try to do something different from that, and become a far better, and well rounded writer that way.
  20. IC: (iolatra Angavur) "Guards, escort Mahane from the Great Hall!" Iola said in a quiet, sharp tone. Four Zrupgar came from the sidelines, and grabbed Mahane by the shoulder. The Sokomaster tried to resist but gave in to the guards after a brief squabble. There was just enough time her Mahane to spit at Iola. The Regent sat quiet as the Zrupgar hurled open the doors, and dragged the other Taajar up the stairs. With quiet reprieve, she took a handkerchief and wiped the spit off her face. She summarily motioned her handmaiden for a pen, before turning to Arsix. "Let me state, Toroshu, that I apologize utterly for the actions of my cousin. She is a bull-headed woman, holding her position in court only because of law. ...Her sister even holds ill opinion of her, to be completely frank. But let me say, not as a warning, but as a fact, that her hatred of the Empire and your Clan is far more widespread the I'd wish it to be. Some merely dislike the Empire, and wish to preserve our customs from Imperial influence. For others, threat of destruction by Clan Angavur is all that stops them from open rebellion. Our more modern clans are more numerous, but not by much of a margin. Admittedly, the Dastana are not wholly trusted among my people. You will see some clans trade with yours, others staying as they are. Our own prejudices are equally deep and lingering, may I say. But I pray to Mother Zuto that things can improve, be it slightly or slowly." She cut open the seal, and dipped the crystalline pen in yellow ink, and signed Iolatra Angavur, Regent of The Taajar in Imperial. "It is signed, and can come into effect. However, it cannot be made permanent until Toroshu Senavysh returns. As it is ultimately her who decides whether it shall be law. Nonetheless, our Toroshu is sensible, I am certain she will make it into law. As she is not one to pass off such an opportunity." A handmaiden came with a tray of tea and honey-cakes, a Taajar specialty. "Now that such diplomacy is over, would you like some refreshments? And let me state, I can certainly give you a tour of our workshops, show you our selection of arms, or our library. Or if you choose to leave, I can provide escorts and supply for your journey back to Sado."
  21. IC: (Mahane) "Parchment will not change the attitudes of all who see us as dirt. No. They will not stop spitting upon the Taajar, decrying us as heathens and usurers. It will not stop Imperial merchants from robbing our caravans, beating our clanswomen, and denying us services and viewing us as savages. No, Toroshu, you cannot force everyone of your clan to abandon their millennia-old prejudices with a penstroke. This will only lead to the Taajar meeting rule by coin-purse, instead of rule by sword. Your merchants shall overwhelm us, take advantage of our hospitality and our goods to keep us under you. Consciously or not. The future will not change so easily." "Mahane, you are being disrespectful. This is the Toroshu of Clan Dastana, one of the most respected Clans in this Empire. You shall not treat her as you are know, accusing her of malice and double-dealing. She brings us a document that could change our future for the better. That could give us the respect and dignity denied to us for ages. And yet you look upon the Toroshu as if she is Zataka in the flesh. Stop, now. Or I will have the guards come to take you from the throne room!"
  22. They can hate the Empire all they want. But any hint of rebellion, or abandoning neutrality, then the head clan shall either declare them Un-Taajar, and make them un-persons. Or destroy them for treason. All of them*. *Minus children. Children are taken to be raised by the other clans.
  23. IC: (Mahane Angavur) "You did not answer my question," Mahane said bluntly. "Your guard is armed well. Not as well as a Zrupgar, but good enough to fight other Imperials. Surely enough to dispatch those who seek to harm you. Yet you come out here, to the hinterlands of Odaiba, to buy weapons from the Angavur, and smooth over a trade agreement-" "Mahane, be silent, please," Iolatra hissed. She would not bow to her degenerate cousin. No, she would stand by her words. "I do not believe your clan wishes solely for quality weapons. No. The tension between Dastana and Umbraline is known even here, Toroshu. I believe you are here to both procure arms away from the eyes of Imperial Customs, and also to put the Taajar under the Dastana thumb. Another set of clans in your confederacy" IC: (Iolatra) Breathe in, breathe out. Iola was holding back the urge to take the flat of her Katar to Mahane's ignorant, vain face. She was a wary of the Empire, as any Taajar should be. But this was a chance for a better life, for all Taajar. The Dastana understood their plight probably more than any Umbraline or Fursic ever would. Those like Mahane wished to return to a past they could never go back to. Iolatra wanted the future, a see a new era for them, new prosperity and peace. Of the points Mahane made, the weaponry part bothered her not. The Imperials would kill each other whether the blade was Dastana or Angavur in make. The second part was unrealistic and paranoid. The Dastana were better people than that, and the Taajar would allow themselves such repression. It was counterproductive to bring it up. She needed to stop Mahane, honorably. "...Toroshu Arsix, has my cousin offended you, or your clan?" she said, barely hiding her spite after the word cousin. "I can arrange for her to return to her chambers. To calm herself into a more honorable mood."
  24. "Why, might I ask, is a clan of merchants so desirous of weaponry?" I'm fairly glad I made more than one Taajar character.
  25. IC: (Iolatra/Greywood) The fates had gone their way, it seemed. The Dastana, controllers of almost all of the mercantile Imperials, were giving her something that would change the status quo in a way unseen in millennia. Her mind buzzed with a special kind of joy, of happiness. The Taajar would not face as much exclusion, and could finally be recognized as equals. Her mind began to buzz with possibilities, as she unclasped the parchment, and began to read. However, an old ghost came over to her left, leather armor pitted and worn. Her cousin. "Mahane, do not intrude-as regent I ask you do not..." she said warily, knowing full well the Dastana would hear. IC: (Mahane) Her mind went back to west Odaiba, three decades ago. Her sister was still under the thumbs of the elders, still being sheltered by them. Mahane, being younger by but a year, had been sent as a diplomatic token to a clan of Soko-riders. In that small, proud clan, she had more of a family then Greywood would ever offer her. The days had always been quiet, except that one autumn day. That day, a caravan of Kuychar had came to the village, except not to trade or rest. Their Mukau was barren of bag or good, seemingly hobbling on a limp. On it was a small thing, bound in what seemed to be blankets. The Zrupgrars let them in, helping them through the gate, and escorted them to the central Longhouse. Being called from the stables in a hurried voice, the scene she came into would come to haunt her. The merchants were all beaten, in one way or another. Some had black eyes, or broken fingers, some hobbled upon sticks. The described to the Jahagir their story, that they were traveling the back roads of Odaiba when they came upon a group of Dastana. Engaging in barter with the Kuychar, the Imperials became offended by a deal the Kuychar offered, and it degraded into shouting and anger. Until, in rage, the Imperials declared they would punish the Taajar far their usury, and attacked the caravan. The Imperials overwhelmed them, beating them senseless with club and sword-flat. They took all the Kuychar owned, as punishment for their supposedly collective crimes. The one beaten most was the young daughter of the merchant, beaten to the point of almost unrecognizability. Mahane remembered her whimpers as she tried to give to her painkilling tea, as the child passed within her arms. They were targeted because they were considered lower than the lowest. That those Imperials felt that the Kuychar, despite being of the same caste, despite being innocent, were parasites, intent upon preying on their fortunes and their clanswomen. Those Imperials knew they wouldn't be punished, wouldn't be vilified. That they were putting those lower in their rightful place as below them. Such incidents were rare, but they nonetheless happened. Mahane also knew the attitudes that led to such incidents, and all the multitude of other problems caused by it, wouldn't go away due to a piece of parchment. It seemed to her this was a ploy. The Dastana Toroshu seemed well intentioned. Seemed. The Dastana had enough economic power to overwhelm her people, to degrade, exploit, and manipulate the Taajar. What Imperials could not do with sword they would do with coin. If not Arsix, then Arsix' children, or grandchildren. The hate towards her people would no be snuffed within her clans. If anything, it would be fueled by greed and ruthless ambition. She hadn't an ounce of trust in Arsix, no more than she did for any Imperial. Iolatra, being corrupted into degeneracy by the Daikura, wouldn't see it one bit. She had to speak up, but had to begin as innocently as she could. She spoke first about the odd request of weapons Arsix had given her cousin. It would allow her to kill time, to allow her to get to the real issues after introducing herself. "Toroshu Arsix, I am Mahane, Sokomaster of Clan Angavur, sister of Senavysh," she said in her rough Imperial. "Why, might I ask, is a clan of merchants so desirous of weaponry?" Her cousin gave Mahane a look of cold rage.
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