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Status Updates posted by Gavla

  1. Ahh now a green dress Etna PPic I see. And birthday in 2 weeks? EPIC WIN Wait... your older then me O_O Yest im still 16

  2. Ahh your most welcome my friend.

  3. Ahh your very welcome! So you know Chane? She is one of my best friends!

  4. Ahh, same here. Well, I need to go, be back around lunch. See you later, Zippy =D

  5. Ahh, well. What ever floats your boat, Zip.

  6. Ahh, yes. The heat is growing.

  7. Ahh. I see. Doing things on your own. I'm not alone person here. In live I'm a loner though. Dont ask why but I don't like being around people...

  8. Aka, a GIMP.

    The Gavla Imp.

  9. All hail the great NR! Not really :P

    Remeber NR, be nice to your elders. Now gimmy some pain meds :P

  10. All of them! You?

  11. alot of people post here. thats nice. it keeps me sane.

  12. Alright, bye Taka!

  13. Also this new profile feed thing is odd.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vataki


      It's awesome


      It reminds me of


      the FAECBOOKZ

    3. Mentha


      it is but it gives me the chance to say ridiculous things so I can confuse people

    4. Sybre


      Get used to it.

  14. Also-yes I think that's roughly correct in terms of days.


  15. Always am. I'm a non-stop comic making robot wearing the look of a human.

    I do the Robot before recharging.


  16. Always welcome, pal.


  17. and now I'm sad. I cant really say why in these comment things. PM would be better

  18. And to you to my friend :D

  19. And to you too buddy!

  20. And with that I say: Indeed.

  21. are you talking to everybody there, or me?

  22. as Ontez has said, we welcome you to BZpower!

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