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Status Updates posted by Gavla

  1. Ask me in PM. I'll look at the comics now :D

  2. At some point, yeah. When I feel ready to do so.

  3. Awesome :D Ever play in concert like shows, at schools and such?



  5. awsome Ill take a look

  6. Awsome! And You know Taka Nuvia! She is my very special friend.

  7. Awsome! I have seen some. There very good!

  8. Awsome! PM me as meny pics as you want. You will love the gift!

  9. Aww I hope you will like it. It will take the rest of the day to finnish but you will love it. *gives hug*

  10. Gavla

    Baby Bowser for the win, yes. Paintbrush staff is epic.

  11. bacon is good. but i like Pie more.

  12. Gavla

    bacon is good.

  13. Be out tomorrow.

  14. BEANS. Beans beans, good for the heart. The more you eat the more you learn about political standpoints in the home market.


  15. Gavla

    because it dident come with bacon

  16. Besides my mom being annoying XD Nothin much. Howz about you?

  17. besides people giveing me lots of hugs, im fine

  18. best buddys Personal pic!

  19. Besure to check the comics and post! 2.0 starts tomarrow!

  20. Birthday coats!

  21. Birthday!? HApPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!

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