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Bitter Cold

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Blog Comments posted by Bitter Cold

  1. The temporal structure of the universe is collapsing, I'd say.


    Chronographs are traveling in reverse!


    Did you hear?


    It must be from the Large Hadron Collider.


    The interactions between the subatomic particles have created the Higgs-Boson, and it's interrupting the processes by the Gravitons.


    And that's causing temporal insecurity throughout the immediate area in our Sol system.

    Answered your own question there, wot wot.

  2. Oh finally, a good use for the camera sensor. :P


    I expect that to be laggy though. >.> Still, I wouldn't move my head around unless I'm all like "oooh trippy graphics" and just want to see it move. Lol.

    I presume it'll be a new sort of gameplay. The demos (which I can't link you to on account of THAT VIDEO SITE) show you having to use it to look about rooms to find things that are hidden behind other things; and lining up things.


    Not sure what else can be done with it, but I guess we'll see.


    I expect lag too but I don't think they'd release it if the lag was bad.

  3. Is using weapons and things like swords with little axles on them okay?

    I don't see the.. *puts on sunglasses* ..point in doing that.


    ..but you're pretty.. *puts on sunglasses* ..sharp at finding loopholes.


    You could just try it, it's not like you only have one.. *puts on sunglasses* ..shot at entering.

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