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Bitter Cold

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Blog Comments posted by Bitter Cold

  1. I'd guess that if he had it saved as a draft he would have pasted it in this entry.


    I didn't even know you could set your profile to not recieve PMs. Weird. People definitely shouldn't send PMs (and especially ones like that which are meant to get replies) when they have that set.

  2. Oh yeah! Sorry 'bout that. I've been waiting for a good time when I'm alone without distractions and don't have something already scheduled to be doing.


    And I can remember.


    That last bit, I think, is the kicker.


    I will do it by or on Saturday; if I don't you can just leave me out of it. :P

  3. The comments made me laugh.


    I think it's not. There are structures similar to thumbs, on dinosaur skeletons, near the heel of the foot. They're stabilizers or something. And I think raptors stab stuff with 'em. Or they stab the ground. I have very little knowledge of dinosaurs.


    Also, bats have fingers that spread their wings, and they have thumbs that are different, they use 'em to...I don't know what they use them for.


    I'm realizing how little I know about the anatomy of animals. XD

  4. And then he ate actual albatross, and it tasted different? And he thought, "Sarah disappeared! And then we ate 'albatross'! And I thought it was a coincidence!" And couldn't take it and shot himself?


    OR. The restaurant is actually run by albatross, and they kill people and sell them labelled "albatross," and they threatened to kill Bob if he didn't sacrifice himself! And the "albatross" was his last meal! And he knew it was human meat but he was so sickened by what he'd already done that he didn't care, and he just gave his life to save Bob! :P

  5. For example, if you had one portal on one side of the world and another on the other side, would there be any delay?

    Depends on the kind of portal. :P I have invented a kind with zero delay, but it's classified. :ziplip:

    my interpretation/understanding of the concept behind a portal is that there cannot possibly be a delay


    you have to go in while simultaneously coming out


    so if you stuck your hand in one side it'd just come out the other, it'd be like if instead of the ground, there was some sky there or the inside of a room or whatever


    no delay holmes


    but I don't really know what to make of the gravity thing, because if there's sky on the other side of the portal what's pulling you down?

  6. Voted.


    What is this anyway?

    It is a scholarship contest?


    I'm a terrible person for not checking to see if you're cheating poor orphaned children out of their inheritance or something

    Uhm, no you're not. This is my first and only scholarship, I'm pretty much up to my knees in debt like every other college student with loans. :(

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