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Blog Comments posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. We love you KIE!


    I like your blog. It gives me nice insite into an adult's mind. So I guess you could say I look up to you.


    This is a good blog. Like I said, adult....(althought you should post some random stuff everyonce in a while, and possible a MOC)


    And you know what, I don't even pay attention to ratings, as long as it is entertaining and someone is reading it. There are a couple of people that always read, and that is what is important.

  2. Because I've reported stuff before (like my BrickFest 2006 Pix) and nothing has happened. I already had my pix in a topic, and this may have happened with a book once too. So I figure if I don't do it myself, something might get done.


    (Wat I need is 2 become a riter, but that wont hapen soon, even though im on the skool noospaper) (<--JK) I guess I can keep bugging Omi about stuff for the front page



  3. Yes, a very good way to rotate pix.


    I'm guessing this goes to the people who upload pix without rotating them. (which isn't me)


    Also, if the pic isn't saved, such as viewing it online, you can:


    right click the image

    click copy

    open paint

    ctrl+V or right click and paste

    then crtl+R for rotating



    I love keyboard shortcuts!

  4. Please don't judge Virginia and DC by these articles. Please! We're not all bad!


    Actually, I'm 16, not 12, so I guess thing will go even harsher for me once someone catches me bringing Bionicle stuff and Lego stuff to schoo. (recently I brought a Lego Ninja sword, and even brought my whole fusion piraka. Nothing happened! And my friend has brought mechs with cool guns, and nothing. *whew*brushes forehead*)


    this is crazy. Give the kids a chance!

  5. Congrats to Arpy!


    In the Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide, by Allen Bedford, (which you all should get), he says that a minifig is 6 feet tall in his world.



    Thinking about it now, considering a Toa is about 7 and a half feet tall, that must be crazy if we ever had a person standing next to a minifig standing next to a toa. freaky. (And the titans are like giants!)

  6. I didn't see the float, but I saw their performance in the parade. My dad was amazed how much some of the performers resembled the original Pythons!


    The Thanksgiving Day parade was really neat, and Julie Andrews was in it! (She's the actress who played Mary Poppins and Maria from The Sound of Music.) I didn't realize she still made public appearances!


    I'm sorry to say that I haven't seen Spamalot, although I have seen MPATHG. Have you seen the scene on the Special Edition DVD that they did in Lego? That was one of the most amazing LEGO movies I've ever seen!


    By the way,when I saw the first question on your Blog, I thought MPATHG was some Spamese word. By the second question I clued in.


    - :vahi:


    Yeah, that Lego movie was great!

    And by float, I meant the stage they performed on.


    That was great.





    I agree with everyone who thinks it is great, funny, etc.

  7. well then, in that case, happy birthday day and enjoy that cake.


    Be sure to post what you got, especially lego wise.


    Oh, and happy birthday. Just in case I don't manage to haul myself over to your topic. Uh... I'd give you Pocky, but I just ate it all. Sorry.

    Pocky? yay! We should all get that!



    This is your Birthday Song

    It isn't very long

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