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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    If you have seen Wolverine, I hope you stayed after.
    If not, read on.
    If you haven't seen it yet, now would be a good time to get out.
    Anyway, at the theater today I was cleaning up Wolverine so I got to see the end of the credits again. But instead of seeing what I saw last time, I saw a different after-credit scene!
    Read on:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Last time I saw Deadpool, mouth sewings broken, whisper "ssshhhh" after having his sword drawn into his arm and crawl to his head. 
    This time, however, I saw Logan drinking at a [Japanese] bar, "drinking to remember." *chills up spine*
    Wikipedia proves futile on any other info on what happened. (Unlike with Iron Man.) Did anyone else see any other after-credit endings?
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I want to borrow an anime series from my friend for Easter Break next week, but can't decide which. Know anything about...?
    I'm stuck between Escaflowne and Martian Successor Nadesico. I've seen the first 2 episodes of each. She has all of Nadesico and all but the end of Escaflowne.
    Escaflowne looks really cool, considering it's this mysterious steampunky mecha that's sort of alive (it came from an egg), but I figure that it's more popular so I have more chance of finding a copy to borrow next year in college. (Would it be bad if I missed the last episodes and watched the movie?)
    Nadesico is a space show, sort of. Actually, I don't know a whole lot. It's supposed to be like Neon Genesis Evangelion (which I love but my parents hate, so slight dilemma there) but takes a route of its own (good!). I figure I should be safe.
    I don't think either would have fan service, but I wouldn't know for sure. (You can never really tell.) The reason I bring this up is because the moment my dad sees skin (he's almost always in the same room as me while I'm watching anime) he'll tell me to turn it off. (Well, it only happened for Evangelion's End of Eva, but...) He'll also not like it if there's too many bad words....
    So, which should I borrow? If you have seen either or both, or know anything about them, your opinion is greatly appreciated!
    Quote of the Day: I've been on a vegetarian diet for 3 weeks, and never have my houseplants look so good to me.
    -Daniel Lybra
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    This entry dedicated to those who are helping me get through this. You know who you are.
    I'm feeling a little better than the past few days. I had a WAMALUG meeting, so I got to hang with Heather, and just being able to build with Lego and share with friends was a big stress reliever.
    (WAMA has a newly appointed Lego Ambassador, so we all applauded him when he walked in. Go Magnus!)
    Also, tomorrow not only am I going to call my local movie theater in hopes they'll tell me to fill out an application because they need people for the summer, but I'm also going to an interview with Panera Bread. It'll only be 15 hours a week, but I'll go and see what they're offering. It's not what I really want, so I hope they'll understand if I want to think about it for a few days (or maybe they'll say I can leave if I get a better offer. Assuming I get it, of course.) Hey, I need money for course books. Oh, I also need to call the Target manager.
    Speaking of money, I opened (most of, my parents' are still on their way) my graduation gifts. Got a few checks, some of them had three digits before the decimal. Also a book on "Getting to where you want to go" or something like that and "Personal Finance for Dummies," so both should be helpful. My aunt made a book with pictures of my from 2008 to 1990 (my birth). It's pretty cool.
    On another note, a few members expressed interest in me expressing interest in expressing interest about F*******. They all pretty much said "get it" without stressing the reasons I stressed. If I get one, it'll be to stay in touch with my current friends and chill with any new friends I make later. I'm not going to go out and "friend" every cool person I find. If I find a BZPer, maybe I'll look into it, but that's about it. (I'm thinking of waiting until after I get a job because I hear employers will search you on it, but I just realized I might want to look into it soon before I make a bunch of new friends at WorkCamp in two weeks.)
    So, I hope I get a good job soon. Enough for books, a laptop, and Lego and anime cons and whatever else hits me at college before I can find a job there.
    PS, I have MOCs to show you. Check back tomorrow!
    Quote of the Day: Did you know that you are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider?
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    I have to use stupid web mail while I'm here. For all four years.

    I rarely take my laptop out into the wifi. And I'm not going to download my email and then log into the interweb to send stuff.
    Maybe I'll just abandon Cox.net and start using gmail or AOL. Though AOL has bad reviews, but people like gmail.
    I guess I'll use Thunderbird at home.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    17 days until graduation!
    Clear your mind and tell me what this means to you:
    "Safety over sanity."
    I made it up last week, but I don't know what it means. I'd love to know, so I can start using it everywhere. Sounds like a band name. Or the future name of my blog if I really feel like it before I change it to something really awesome everybody loves.
    I don't know!
    Quote of the Day: Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    *Because I've put other Star Trek stuff in the Star Wars category before.
    The latest trailer came out Monday and I'm impressed. I've only seen a bit of the original Star Trek series, but putting aside that they recast the characters, it looks good. As some Flickr members have said, this can either go well or just pitfall. There probably isn't middle ground.
    I'm wondering if I'll see it. Y'see, the Wolverine movie comes out the week before, but I won't see that opening weekend due to finals. So my first weekend home that seems like an obvious choice. However, both my parents were Trekkies and are still fans (though I wonder if they even knew of this movie? Nah, they do.) though I don't know if they'll see this. Granted, they saw the latest movie, Nemesis. But they'll be the ones paying for the ticket if I get to tag along with them. That, or I see Wolverine and not this. Though they might wait a few weeks....
    I've actually never seen a Star Trek movie all the way through. I should sometime, I hear there are some good ones. I think I'd prefer the ones with Picard; as I said I didn't view much of Star Trek.
    If you haven't seen the trailer, I suggest you do so. You know where. I like what looks like Spock beaming down. That looks cool and different than usual, with the particles swirling around him.
    Quote of the Day: If you’re interested in time travel, meet me last Thursday.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    Anyone here watch Syfy's Eureka? The fifth and unfortunate final season started tonight and it was absolutely fantastic. This show has gotten better with each season, and the twists that came and the sci-fi tropes played off of in this episode were especially noteworthy.
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    How many of you have seen this?
    (Probably just those that look for LEGO outside of BZP...)
    Soon/Now, LEGO is releasing these minifig packs (this if wave 1). There are 16 figs, each $2 and individually wrapped for in a solid-color, but plastic, bag. While "random" and "a chance" on which fig you will get, you can feel around in the bag for certain figure parts, and there is apparently an individual additional bar-code on the back of the packages which, if you have the proper list, will denote which fig is contained.
    That said, here is what I hope to get, in order of importance:
    *Forestman and at least one Spaceman
    *Cowboy (for the fedora. This might not be so high up if I rethink my plan)
    *Robot (for the body), Ninja (for the gold sword (so I don't really need this)), and the nurse (I need more females)
    *And finally, a big maybe, perhaps: whatever they are calling the American Indian/Native American, the caveman, and the cheerleader (I'll try to get this for my sister first)
    So I probably won't have to spend more than $20 to get a nice, new minifig collection. (Until wave 2 comes out...oh boy. But there are not too many there I want...yet.)
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    It's times like this that I wish I watched TV shows like Lost and Heroes. Well, we're talking about Lost right now, but Heroes looks cool too so I thought I'd throw that in there. I just don't watch TV (save Stargate) and I feel I miss out on things my friends like when things like this come up.
    Anyway, apparently tonight's episode of Lost has Hoth in the title (same as this entry). Cool. Unfortunately I can't watch it since I would have no idea what was going on.
    But now it's in its fifth season, right, so how in the world can I play catch up? (That's 125 episodes, about. More than one episode a day if I could watch online over the summer.) I simply don't have time to watch whatever is already out there of either of those shows. Lost actually grabbed my interest when it first started, but I didn't watch TV back then (homework, content that seems to be popular in the media these days, no idea what my parents would say...) and now that I'm in college, well, it's one of those shows I can't just hop into in the middle of without knowing the background. (I'd catch snippets if my dad glanced at it, but he never became a die-hard fan either. But it was on in the middle of the week and I had homework and didn't watch TV, remember?)
    (Heroes seems like a more dramatic take at X-Men. I think I'd like the first season but it's probably gone in a different direction than I'd expect now.)
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    If I call you by your username, it means I love you.
    Or I don't like your real name.
    Or your username is cooler.
    Or easier to say.
    Or I might call you by your real name too.
    Like if I've known you for a while.
    Or just feel like saying it for a change.
    Or I know you prefer me doing so.
    But sometimes I just don't care.
    To me, a username transcends a person's identity. It becomes them. To me, I am ChocolateFrogs, a person, not someone named after a Harry Potter candy, but the term has changed meaning to be my name. Other names-- Sisen, Disky, Nukaya, Arpy-- are just as unique as a name given at birth, but instead is also one chosen by the bearer to be them.
    I know some people don't like being called their username in public, which is totally fine, but it doesn't change that it is part of their identity now.
    Of course, that's just my personal view. Maybe you look at me and think I'm crazy for choosing a name after the Harry Potter-verse. Maybe you would much prefer to call people by their real name, because it is perfect and also them. But when I'm out having fun, I have fun with your names too. And that is something we all share.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    ...I think we've been calling our teal pieces "turquoise" and Turquoise pieces (if we have any?) "Teal."
    I mean, we can't go rewrite Peeron or anything, so everything will probably stay as it is, but I figured the best place to go would be here.
    And there you can see how their turquoise is our teal and what I had been calling turquoise or maybe teal until we had "teal" LEGO pieces is really teal.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Working retail, I interact with a lot of people. More than I'd care to on a daily basis. And people, as a whole, seem to like to talk a lot. Again, more than I'd care to let my ears hear. So, the less words said the better, right?
    One thing that I really can not stand is the phrase "you know" when describing something. It's as bad as "like," "um," and "uh," when it comes to filler. Something involuntary to cause a pause when your brain can't quite put the right words in order in conversation.
    Whenever a customer (or even someone closer actually conversing) injects "you know" into their sentence when going into detail on something to better help me understand, my immediate thought is, "No, I don't know, that's why you're telling me."
    I'm not perfect either, but it's a habit I've broken pretty well. I've even winced when I said it recently.
    I just need a super-villain weapon that changes the brain waves of everyone across the world to be more precise with their language!
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    You know how a college kid's laundry cycle is determined by how much underwear one has left?
    I'm out of socks. (Well, white ones anyway. I'm wearing thin boot-sock-liner, but I could have chosen dress socks.)
    (Note: I have not done laundry since arriving here two weeks ago, so tonight that will change.)
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    I dropped the ball on posting this during the first week or so of the new year, but I've also dropped the ball on reading a bunch so far this year. Luckily a "year" is just a social construct of time and as long as I'm happy reading and getting things on my shelf completed it's ok if I need a moment to get my groove back.
    I'm not going to list out all the books I want to read in 2014, especially because new books pop up and I read some of those and thus don't get around to a few others. But here are the ones I'm most looking forward to:
    -Boneshaker, by Cherie Priest--I just started this steampunk adventure for a tumblr book club, and I already love the writing style! About time I read this (though luckily, I've only owned a copy for a year. Some of these are even older.)
    -S. by J J Abrams--I'm 100 pages into this too. If you don't know, it is an adventure story of a man names S. who is piecing his life together, while at the same time written in the margins are two college students writing back and forth getting to know one another while also trying to figure out the mystery of the author's life (not Abrams, the author of the story).
    -Garden of the Beasts, Devil in the White City, and Thunderstruck, by Erik Larson--I should have read these last year, since two are borrowed from my grandma and Devil has been recommended to me too often. There aren't too many other non-fiction books on this list.
    -Quiet by Susan Cain--OK, another non-fiction book. I should have finished this by now, but regardless of that I'm quite looking forward to this book about introverts.
    -Return of the King and the Hobbit--Because I should have read these by now. (I read the Hobbit for 9th grade, but want to again before the third movie. But first I need to read King; I just finished The Two Towers in December.)
    -Good Omens by Neil Gaiman--I'm making my way through Neil Gaiman's bibliography, and I plan on reading this with a friend.
    -Dresden Files--I should really start this series soon.
    -Hitchhiker's Guide Books 5 and 6 (and Salmon of a Doubt)--Again, why haven't I read these?
    -The Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson--I own all three. Hopefully I'll read them all in one month. Soon.
    -Game of Thrones--This was a gift, and I plan on starting it after I finish LOTR.
    -The Harry Potter series--It's about time I reread these. I'll probably buy the movies and watch each one as I finish a volume. (I haven't read books 3, 4, or 5 again since they first came out.)
    -Shada, a Fourth Doctor Doctor Who story by Douglas Adams--Should be wonderful!
    -Snow Crash, Dune, Cloud Atlas, Windup Girl, The Warlords of Mars, some Sherlock Holmes, and Solar all make this list too, among others.
    The goal now is to make enough time between work, other duties, socializing, sleep, comics, and tv.
    Anything here pique your interest? What are you hoping to read this year?
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    Some TV shows I have started watching, am continually watching live on TV weekly, and shows I hope to soon watch:
    Currently on, or soon:
    Stargate Univsere
    Community (the Excel Saga of sit-coms.)
    The Big Bang Theory (just renewed for another three years!)
    Castle (I don't watch this weekly, but I should.)
    (Doctor Who Series 6)
    Catching up, just started, in the middle of:
    Primeval (I just finished the first season. Loved the ending!)
    Life on Mars (BBC)
    Being Human (BBC. I'm weary about SyFy's version starting up.) (I might not keep watching, but it's been enjoyable.)
    Doctor Who classic (I'm only a few Tom Baker episodes in, but I look forward to him and Peter Davison. Maybe Sylvester McCoy.)
    Andromeda (seasons 2, 4 and 5. I heard 3 was pretty much episodic. Unless I have some season confused.)
    Stargate SG-1 (from the beginning. I became a regular viewer around the time of the Ori/Atlantis. I'm halfway through season 1.) (Subsequently SG Atlantis will be viewed I reach that season.)
    Santuary (I'm struggling though. I hear the Tesla episodes and finales are good though, and I can skip the rest?)
    To start:
    I have given up on V (for now), and decided against watching The Cape (despite Summer Glau), which was probably a good idea considering the reports I've heard from fellow geeks on another board. My roommate liked it though.
    Maybe more important however are the books I want to read this semester: Mockinjay, A Game of Thrones, Storm Front, Solar, the 5th and 6th books to Hitchhiker's Guide, and much of a Sherlock Holmes collection.
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    27 days until graduation!
    Cashews FTW.
    Quote of the Day: Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday.
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    So, remember these? (they're life size Zamor!)
    Well, I need to get rid of about 200+ of them. Who wants one?
    I have no idea how much it'll cost to ship one (or two...), but I don't want something small. Well, there are some Kanohi....
    So, what do you have to trade? Kanohi are great, as well as sets. (Used are fine, as long as they're in good condition (no cracks on the joints, etc))
    either a bunch of small stuff or perhaps something important.
    Here's a nice long list of things I want. Sets are at the bottom
    Oh, sorry, but I don't want to have to figure out mailing things outside the US right now. Maybe Canada later, but not now.
    So after your trade is agreed upon, we can arrange shipping.
    Quote of the Day: If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut. - Albert Einstein
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    The other day I saw a commercial for a new TV series coming in the fall. Something about vampire romance. All I could think was "oh no, it's like Twilight for the television."
    Twilight is taking over the world's (or at least America's) view on vampires. No longer are vampires cool, dark, mysterious and feared. Now...they're whatever Twilight makes them out to be.
    Harry Potter had a werewolf. Maybe if the next teacher was a vampire this whole conspiracy would be different...
    Talk to your kids about vampires, before Twilight talks to them.

  19. ChocolateFrogs
    -Someone wielding a Time Turner
    --While driving in the Back to the Future DeLorean...
    ---inside a traveling TARDIS
    ----That is catching a ride behind the Enterprise as it slingshots around the sun
    -CF :42: <--*tehe w/ Arpy
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