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Blog Comments posted by Cadias

  1. The 'Vika wouldn't necessarily have to be damaged, though. With the Invincible gone, a group could have sailed the 'Vika back to Ga-Koro to pick up supplies, drop off Shajs (Sorry if I spelled that wrong) and Kavala, etc. A bit unlikely, perhaps, but it's a fair way to deal with having some of the characters back on the mainland if we want to go through the lighthouse.

  2. I normally don't post in the blogs, but I can't resist. XD


    Personally, I like Star Trek for the episodes that make you think after you see them, wondering if the tough choice the characters made was the right one. You don't find many of those in Doctor Who or Star Wars.


    On the other hand, that means less action, which Doctor Who and Star Wars have plenty of. And, at the end of the day, I guess people like action over well-written episodes that leave you thinking.

  3. Huh. That's more or less what happened to me: I found out about it by sheer coincidence, made an account, looked around a bit, left for a year, came back, looked in on it, saw the announcement about the reboot, and decided to join. I even disappeared for a few months, then came back.


    Except, you know, you've done a LOT more than I have in the meantime. =P

  4. Cadias, on , said:


    ..... Ok, that just makes mine look thrown-together. XD


    Usually, making the profile is the last step in the long process of thinking and refining ideas for a character, so I pretty much throw together what I've already figured out.


    Nah, I just do things somewhat out of order. Sometimes the name comes easily, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I know from the start what element I want the character to be (in this case, I was debating between Gravity and Iron due to their mutual over powered-ness), sometimes I don't. Your process actually sounds more refined than mine does.


    Pfft. I usually get a rough idea that I like, think about it, figure out a few things, change a few things, and pull up a profile form. Then I have to make up the finer points of the appearance, mask power (if any), name, and weapon as I sit and stare at a blank profile form. I doubt that more than three hour's worth of thought has gone into any of my characters, if you subtract the time I forget to think about them. XD


    I recently had to come up with a Human name- man, that was hard! I was completely stuck for ideas.

  5. I'm absolutely terrible with names. I usually take my inspiration from a language like Latin (Like I did with Venen, Tellus, and, to a lesser extent, Aurix) although I usually turn to another source. Geklan and Cadias are the only names that come to mind that I made up. XD


    Man, I usually piece together a profile in under two hours, once I get started. By then, I usually have the character completely figured out, but still....

  6. I'd recommend adding that in- even just that makes him seem much more interesting to me. Instead of someone pretending to be prideful, he's someone absolutely obsessed with finding something to be prideful about.


    I'd add that in too. It bridges the gap nicely, I think. See? Two sentences and you've taken care of my nitpicks. XD


    Well, it's better than any profile I've churned out- I always find myself stuck for ideas. XD

  7. Well, it looks pretty good to me. But, that's not what you want to hear, so I'll nitpick. =P



    First off, his personality section seems a little.... plain. While I love his pretending to be incredibly prideful, that's just about the only thing in there. And while this was an entry for the Pride contest, it makes the character seem a bit two-dimensional. I'd recommend going into more detail of what 'pride' means, if only to help people envision what he'd act like. Does he constantly boast about everything, or is he just a snob? Also, delving into what goes on in his head wouldn't hurt- adding in (my interpretation here) that deep, personal fear of the discovery of his flaw would certainly make him (in my eyes) a more interesting character.


    His biography looks good, but it ends rather abruptly. Currently, he's a selfish, 'evil' Toa; you leave off at him being a failure who's convinced that he's broken somehow. When did it all go downhill? Even just a few sentences would help bridge the gap and help it feel a little less abrupt.


    Other than that, looks great! I'd love to see him in-game, as he looks like a very interesting character.

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