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Everything posted by Cadias

  1. IC: GeklanGeklan looked as though he was about to explode. He marched inside. A moment later, a hatch on the roof of the shop opened and Geklan emerged, still carrying the basket and much closer to Drem. He wasn't sure why the mailman had sneaked in that compliment at the end, but it was probably some twisted mind trick or something. Best to ignore it."You airborne menace! I'll give you what for! Take THIS!" Geklan resumed his lobbing of debris at Drem, although he refrained from throwing the bits of metal. Hey, selling them as dinosaur bits or pieces of an airship wasn't a bad idea!
  2. IC: Ka'deAn idea struck me, one that might buy us a few seconds. As I ran past one of the lightstones set in the wall, I grabbed it and yanked it free. I then threw it in the general direction of Lizard, not caring if it hit him or not. What I cared about was the fact that I was running as fast as I could and that with any luck Lizard might be mildly distracted by a glowing rock flying past him.
  3. IC: CadiasCadias rolled his eyes once Vrana was a safe distance away. "Talk about moody... oh, well. With any luck, he'll get through this soon." With that hopeful thought in mind, even though he didn't believe it, Cadias made his way to the marketplace and began to look for useful supplies.OOC: Anyone who wants to interact is welcome to do so.
  4. IC: GeklanGeklan was just about finished when a crumpled-up paper bounced off his head."I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!" Geklan was nearly screaming by now. "JUST YOU WAIT! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO FIND A SCRAP OF PAPER TO DELIVER AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU! YOU.. YOU...... PHILANTHROPIST!" Having delivered one of his worst insults (What type of sick, twisted person would give away their profits??) Geklan stormed inside, emerging moments later with a basket of rocks and small chunks of metal. He then began lobbing them with surprising strength and accuracy at the mailman. "Hah! Take that! And that!"IC: 7Having finished swabbing the deck, Geklan once again looked around in search of a job to do. Glancing over the side, he noticed the rapidly approaching ruins. "Captain, we're almost there."
  5. Well, if your character is walking around Yksfolt or wherever all the shops are, Geklan will probably try and sell something to him once he's done yelling at Drem.
  6. It's true! They'd get nowhere! =PAnyway, I'm glad to see the new chapter. Same great quality as the others, though it took a little long to get here. =P
  7. IC: GeklanGeklan was sitting in his shop, perfectly happy, when he noticed something.Papers were floating down in front of his shop.A look of indignation spread across his face. Now the area in front of his shop looked messy! Unprofessional! People would think he was a slob! This could impact his profits!Which would explain why he was currently out in front of his shop, picking up papers and yelling for the only person who could have committed this heinous act: The mailman.IC: 77 was still standing where the Captain had left him, with the mop still in his hand. How was he supposed to figure out what swab meant?Then something dawned on him: What if 'swab' meant 'mop?' It was his best guess...So, he filled a bucket with soapy water, went out on the deck, and started mopping.
  8. IC: 7Spotting one of the crewmen, 7 pointed at him."You. Tell me the meaning of swab!"Wordlessly, the crewman handed him a mop and left."I do not require a mop! I require the definition of swab!"
  9. OOC: =P"Swab, Captain?" That was odd... a word he didn't recognize!
  10. IC: 7"That would be incorrect. I know how to talk, write, and read, and I also know how to walk, run, jump, and do other such motions. I know that you are the Captain, this is your ship, she is the Lieutenant, the rest are your crew, there are seven skies, you all are pirates, that I was found in the ruins of Iztriliador, that we are en route to the ruins of Resedomanadia, and that you consider a meal of dried fruit to be insufficiently fancy."The robot paused, to allow Kreinan to catch up, then continued. "I also know..."
  11. IC: 7"Well, Captain, I have yet to observe any dishes being cooked. As a result, I have no knowledge on the subject," the robot explained. "In fact, I have almost no information on just about everything."
  12. IC: 7"Lunch, Captain." Seeing the frown on Kreinan's face, the robot added, "Is it insufficient?"
  13. IC: Ka'deI have to admit, I was terrified. Who wouldn't be?"Almost... there..." I gasped. Glancing back, I could see that Lizard, as I had nicknamed him, was gaining on us. Grabbing one of the disks I carried with me, I flung it in his general direction. It was hard to see in the low light.
  14. IC: CadiasCadias sighed in irritation. "Vrana, that's a lovely sentiment. Why don't they all just jump into the ocean and drown? Really, somebody should write that down.""As for supplies, I'd like to at least get some plates and a bowl or two. Containers for water would be a good idea as well."
  15. IC: Cadias"Vrana, you certainly don't seem happy. Especially considering the joyous occasion! I think. Haven't been able to fully figure out what's going on..." The Toa shrugged."Well, what shall we do while we're here? Are we in need of any supplies?"
  16. IC: Ka'deTearing around the corner, I saw the lights of Onu-Koro ahead and kept running. Still, could we outrun the thing that seemed intent on killing us?
  17. Kirse: City of the Great Beings.

    1. Cadias


      Still alive!

  18. IC: 7Getting no response from the Captain on what he wanted, 7 decided to prepare whatever he could. After wandering around a bit, he found the galley, and proceeded to root around in search of something edible. After some searching, he found a couple of large, cloth bags.And so, when 7 came back to the Captain with lunch, it was a large bowl of dried fruit. "Lunch, Captain!"
  19. IC: 7"Yes, Captain. What would you like?" Sure, 7 may not have known how to cook anything, but he could learn.
  20. IC: 7If 7 could have frowned, he would have. Something wasn't right... he wasn't doing anything! This problem had to be solved immediately."Captain, are you in need of any further assistance?"
  21. OOC: Don't forget to pick up some top-quality equipment first! =PIC: 7"Yes, Captain." 7 climbed aboard, looking around. Perhaps it wasn't entirely legal to assist pirates, but it was better than standing around in ruins.
  22. IC: 7"Yes, Captain." The robot paused for an instant. "Or would you prefer 'Aye aye, Captain?'"
  23. IC: GAU 77 hadn't expected the pirate to have such keen hearing. "Sir, what, may I ask, is your designation? I have no basis on how I shall address you. For that matter, how shall I address you, ma'am?"
  24. IC: GAU 7"... What have I gotten myself into?" 7 muttered to himself, following the pirate.
  25. IC: GAU 7"I was addressing the male, ma'am." These being certainly are unpredictable. And the female seems quite temperamental.
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