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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Blog Comments posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. 1. There is no real 'easy' way. If you think someone is violating the rules, however, report it. The Global Moderators have an easy way of testing such things. And before you ask, no, it's nothing we can make readily available to members.


    That isn't really true.



    All you have to do is left click on an image, scroll down to "Image Info", click that, and look at the dimension size. Not sure how to do it in other browsers, but that is how you do it in Firefox.




  2. I'll sign up.



    JMSOG EDITING: here's a story he PM'd me.



    Vworp. Vwooooorpp. Vwoooooorrrrrppppp. A Blue box is present where it wasn't. Stepping out, a Man in a Tweed coat and bowtie looked around. He took out his Son Screwdriver and scanned the area. “Yep. I was right!” He said. “This is Spherus Magna” He said again. A young woman walked out of the blue box. “Right. Spherus Magna. Looks Like another jungle planet to me” She said. “Oh, it is so much more. I know some of the Agori Villagers” The man said, walking away.


    “Wait for me!” The woman said, walking away as well. “Remember where we parked!” The man said. He kept walking until he saw a canyon. It had a slanted entrance and a village in the basin. The man began to walk into the village. Once he entered, he got stares from the armored beings around him. “Doctor?” A raspy old voice said. The Doctor turned. “Whats happened here?” The Doctor asked.


    “We had a war, Doctor. A war that ravaged our planet and caused it to split into three parts. We no longer are Spherus Magna. We are Bara Magna” The voice said. “Raanu....Raanu. I knew the planet was heading to war! You should have listened!” The Doctor said. “I know, and for that grave mistake I am sorry” Raanu said. “Please, let us go to my quarters” Raanu led the way.


    Entering the quarters, the Doctor sat down and Jen sat next to him. “So, this war, what was it over?” Jen asked. “A substance called Energized Protodermis” Raanus explained. “It came from the core of the planet, and that is why the planet split. The core was leaking out and we couldn't stop it. So we went to war for control over the substance, thinking we could stop it” Raanu said.


    “And the War just sped up the process” The Doctor said. “Yes. The Great Beings, who where actually Time Lords, built us the Mata Nui robot, telling us to name it appropriately and launch it before the seperation” Raanu explained. “I am the chieftan of the fire village, only one division of this continent” Raanu said. “We will give you housing and food as long as you are here, Doctor” Raanu said.


    The Doctor stood. “Yes, thank you” The Doctor said. Jen also stood, following the Doctor out. “Why do they look so...weird?” Jen asked. “Under that armor they look exactly like us” The Doctor said.


  3. This may sound weird coming from someone totally unknown to you, but you are loved, Nikira.



    I always enjoy reading your entries, they are inspirational, and this is no different. I applaud you for looking back on everything so brightly, something I cannot always do.

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