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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Vote: Lady GaGa No new suggestions are being taken at this time.
  2. I want to see this Daft Punk Helmet. That is one of the few things I actually wanna see someone MOC.
  3. Not today. "You get one shot, where do you want it?"
  4. I cannot even recognize half the characters. And Penguin doesn't look like Penguin, Nuff said.
  5. you seen like a pretty cool guy, so I wanted to drop you a Friend Request, and I wanted to know how your bro is doing, since he left BZP.

  6. I do hope that you get to do all of the things you wanna do, because you need a change for the better, and with your determination, you will have a change. A change for the better.
  7. Thomas Jefferson, not Benjamin Franklin. (Is a huge History geek)
  8. Best gun Ever produced, if I do say so myself.
  9. Also, I'd like to join. Could use more Love and non-hate in my life.
  10. Can you -please- refrain from coming to my profile every other day, like a stalker. If everything goes right, Potu or Ak will explain the situation to you and it will be cleared up.

  11. In Order: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Star Trek: the Next Generation Lieutenant Commander Data, Helmsman, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Star Trek: The Next Generation Commander William Thomas Riker, Second in command, USS Enterprise NCC-1702, Star Trek: The Next Generation Lieutenant Commander Worf, Chief of Security, USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, Star Trek: The Next Generation Commander Beverly Crusher, Ships' Medical Officer, USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, Star Trek: The Next Generation Medical Officer Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Doctor, USS Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series. Captain James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, USS Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series Commander Spock, Commanding Officer, USS Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series
  12. *Takes out Elite Katana, with lightning reflexes, is back on his feet, the blade held to your throat*

    What say you? We do this the old fashioned way. Man to man, Blade to blade.

  13. THEN WHY DOES YOUR XBL AVATAR HAVE A BEARD FALSE ADVERTISING also I'm not sure beardiness qualifies you for manhood It doesn't have a beard, anymore. I'm thinking I will go and edit that now, though.
  14. Whats your Gamertag? Maybe we can link up for some SWAT.
  15. That doesn't Annoy me at all. It fraking makes me fraking mad.
  16. I'm so in love with the new game that I am intent on keeping this banner the whole year.
  17. I haven't started shaving yet, but I will soon. You of all people should appreciate this, UK. I'm trying to get a Joker beard.
  18. The Chick Magnet one is mine, after we had a nice talk, I think about one of your plays, in an entry. I was being funny at the time and it is good to see you kept it in there.
  19. I really have no things that make me raeg anymore. I'm way too calm. So yeah. The only real thing that makes me raeg is when people start raeging at me. Or when they call me toys that amuse them when they are bored.
  20. Reminds me of the Jimi Hendrix song "Foxy Lady"

  21. Fringe is another great show. But LOST is cool too, wish I had started watching it earlier, though.
  22. I may be in. Depends. Add my name as a Maybe.
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