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Blog Comments posted by DragonxFlutter

  1. Bink, most of the stuff you give us is good but I have to say I am sorry this one: WHOOPS ALL OF THEM IN ONE BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I agree with everyone here that symble kicks transperint Makuta butt and actually hits somthing. (because when you kick a Makuta's butt you hit nothing cause there like mist)

  2. I agree with the guy who posted before me. I like the whole thing and I think that the pic at the end for '09 is cool, (I don't have the comic yet but I read it because some one made a topic and it had links to pics of the thing) but I think that the thing was kind of wet, (no pun intended(the begining had the storm in it)) and it was kind of dry as in not enough action. So I half disagree with you and half agree with you. (the thing was not the best one ever, but I'm sure to chang my mind when I have the thing in my hands)

  3. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! NO GAME!!!!!! I WANTED TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!!! NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! Just kiding. I know that your job is to make sure that every thig for our enjoyment isn't buggy(<hehe buggy). Well can't wait 'till thersday for the game and can't wait 7 more days for the next animation. AND GIVE US THE NEW SONG GIVE US THE NEW SONG!!!!!!!!

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