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First Matoran

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Everything posted by First Matoran

  1. whats with the return of painfully old RZ avs?
  2. You being busy and this BZP free blog week is drawoing people away from the government faking a mars landing? cookie?
  3. looks nice I like the blue smoke.
  4. First Matoran

    Rain Of Fire

    In context it was kind of amusing.
  5. You know what bothers me, when members who are correcting other members if they accidently break a rule, they don't even sya what rule they've broken they're just like read this also I accidently drafted all my entries from last year. Edit: This is totally random but what was Panrahk kal's power?
  6. I'd edit your post to say something else but I'm too mature
  7. I also don't like people who name their kids things like "apple" or "destiny" or "honor" or whatever. GIVE PEOPLE NORMAL NAMES
  8. no its cool I rated you a five.

  9. I can't believe no one replied to my story from six years ago
  10. I had read that before in the yahoo news thing on my home page, odd
  11. Hmmm TLT... it would sorta look like a face not really my thing though
  12. First Matoran

    Oh Noooo

    I( dont know you did make that who beedmostasmndxtylvh thing last year
  13. First Matoran

    Oh Noooo

    dont you like the attention?
  14. Since dream topics aren't allowed in the forums because they lead to "excessive spam" I'd assume they'de be allowed here :wakeup2:
  15. You have the right idea use your blog to vent out all the pointless things you wanted to say to BZP over the last year, you only have a week.
  16. First Matoran


    THIS IS NOT A NOOB BLOG but then people would think it is....
  17. If you don't like them don't go in them If you think they full of noobs don't go in them But if you want to make it better, GO IN IT and post in the good ones or maybe write your own.
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