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First Matoran

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Everything posted by First Matoran

  1. NOOOO I always get sucked into these entries and then realize theyre just about something boring that Id never look at if it were titled apropriately. I was hoping for an image of a viking talking on the phone EDIT: Ohhow was canada?
  2. First Matoran

    20 Questions 3

    is it hand held? Yes
  3. The originals were good but overfranchizing it kinda ruined it. Jarjar binks is god
  4. First Matoran


    The entry no longer makes sense because the entry before this now has three comments.
  5. Is your blog name a play on the poular documentary/animal drama meerkat manor?
  6. First Matoran


    you win for getting 32 comments on an entry with one word.
  7. sure it gets annoying after a while, they aren't so terrible anyway.
  8. its kinda dark so its hard to see the eyelashes but it seems you intended it to be female
  9. i just write on myself now, ive given up on all technology and am typing with a rock.
  10. First Matoran

    : D

  11. I found the wiggly thingies to be to flimsy 4 my liking. But she was alright. Clickits fit in her mouth ok bye
  12. I really apreciate someone who can admit they're wrong, heck I wish I could
  13. Oh then i just make bad assumptions
  14. if time is money, and money is power, and power corrupts, does time corrupt?
  15. I didnt see it but drugs aren't a good idea.
  16. First Matoran

    An Analogy

    I like animal planet
  17. First Matoran


    stealing jokes is laaaaame.
  18. First Matoran


    I find this FULL OF WIN and and I GOT OWNT maybe he'll forget he didnt edit it if I make its stoopid enough -SZ-
  19. When I was in the comedies forum I appreciated what you did.
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