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First Matoran

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Everything posted by First Matoran

  1. How do you know it wasn't like in the twilight zone, where he accidentaly covincesd booth to kill Lincoln, despite trying to stop him. Besides, if I went back in time, I'd probably just go to see the hanging gardens or meet george washington, or FDR, or napoleon, or maybe Einstien.
  2. First Matoran


    Suddenly in fashion to love america
  3. First Matoran

    You Know...

    All of you are wrong, Obama is the 43rd president to serve because Grover Cleveland was elected for two non-consecutive terms.
  4. I've noticed that there's been a sort of sympathy for Bush in his last days and also a wave of last anger at him. I'd say more but I wanna stay non political.
  5. Heres five stars because I love your avatar :)

  6. First Matoran


    Trains we can believe in.
  7. First Matoran


    it is fair and just!!! Im mad so Im giving you a one star on your blog and profile jk i luv you heres a 5 :)
  8. First Matoran


    Really I live in New York too and its snowed plenty. Unless thats not actually where you live and its just a joke.
  9. Pants type, side or back pockets, when was the last time you were wearing them? Where were you then? Where they in the wash with other ppls clothes? Figure out where that peice of paper comes from, go to the writers house, go upstairs and look for an elephant. Bring peanuts
  10. Religious content removed. -B6
  11. there was an origonal lego space police?
  12. First Matoran

    Hey, Look!

    I like calling them throwbots. They were kinda cool while they lasted, they were absicly the equivalent of bionicle, but they never took off because it had no storyline. the green one is my favorite. A lot of people think theyre old school when they remeber them but they are not.
  13. thats it, oh here's your rating back but why all caps?

  14. Someoene shoukd start a club for us peoples that say "bionicles" to end discrimination.
  15. until the reference is explained heres a 1 star :)

  16. In every blog comment you make you talk about Zach Braff's beard stubble, WHY????????

  17. Elves are not people too they are elves.
  18. oh boy ive just been waiting for a chance to use this
  19. Hmm the point of new years is to create a resolution and change one thing about yourself, instead you giove everyone else TEN things to change about themselves. You deserve an approval.
  20. are you just inviting people to make fun of your screen mane?
  21. maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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