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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Love that pic! :P Last saw that movie like, what, back in sixth grade?

  2. I didn't. And NM's gonna be p'owned by my next songfic. :D

  3. BTW, Mange toi seems to be French for "Eat you."

  4. WE need to get Kingdom G up! (We were waiting on you . . .)

  5. *Pakari kick to the butt* Kagha! Heed HN's wishes! NOW!

  6. Blame CapK. He got me obsessed. :P

  7. Maybe. Because the server went "OMNOMNOM" to the original topic, I can't make a comparison.

  8. Dang it! Get TDoH back up now, or I'll throw a fireball at you!!! :angry:

  9. Since I had nothing else to do, I needed to take out my annoyance on someone. Don't take personally, you were just there. :P

  10. *tackles, binds, and gags you* :P

  11. It vanished because I couldn't think of something to retailiate with.

  12. Wasn't me that said that. AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO COPY, I SWEAR. I actually didn't realize it until I had finished and submitted her profile, and by then it was too late. >

  13. Oh, whoops. My bad. >

    *blasts Gistas with fire*

  14. Since I have no idea what Gistas are, that failed to hurt me.

  15. *whistles* *sics dragon on you*

  16. I was heading back to my profile at the time. :D

  17. *comes back, steals back the cookie jar, knocks you out, and runs away again*

  18. *leaps into your profile and makes off with the Daybreak manuscript*

  19. Yup. Black Cat's claws are . . . whatever that metal was. *does not remember how to spell it*

  20. Zev, Zev, Zev . . . clear out your inbox, please. I have a message to send you. :evilgrin:

  21. I didn't do anything special for my 1000 post special; I just breezed right by it without thinking twice about it. :P

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