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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. You may want to clean out your inbox; I couldn't send anything to you.

  2. Actually no, the Cavern of Souls was not from that. I just cooked it up because it was the best way to describe a future place in the epic.

  3. I designed the city of Shi-Nui to be like Teirm from Eragon. :)

  4. Actually, I've told many people what I've wished for on my B-day. so far as I know, I'm not cursed. ;)

  5. Sice you say it's your birthday (hang on, did I just rhyme? o.0) . . .

    *passes you a giant cake with candles* Make a wish!

  6. (I don't need a Deoyxs. I already have one, courtasy of a friend.)

    And I'd take you up on your offer, if it weren't for that annoying fact I don't have access to the Wi-Fi Club. <_<

  7. I have TWO Salamence. Beat that!

  8. I doubt it. My Infernape, Luxray, Garchomp, Staraptor, Palkia and Dragonite could floor any team you could cook up. :D

  9. Thank you for your kind words about Heartstrings!

  10. Same to you! *throws a box of conversation hearts through the open window of the Ferrari*

  11. Yes. It is. And for that, you get a cookie! *hands you a cookie*

  12. I can't guess. TELL ME!

  13. Mountlake Terrace. High school is of the same name.

  14. YES! That means you practically live next door to me. :D

  15. Considering that it's a location that plays a part in my epic, yes, I'm sure it's The Cavern of Souls. :D

  16. You're not the only one getting bricked. See my latest post in Kagha's Library for further details.

  17. Hey, what happened to your sig? *is confused*

  18. Weird is good. Normal is boring IMO. Which do you think I'd choose?

  19. And I repeat: I take weird as a compliment. :D

  20. Happy 13th birthday, dude! Thanks again for doing that spin-off!

  21. And . . . cue angry dragon.

    *my pet dragon flies out of her destroyed home, blasting cholrine gas at anything that moves* (In case you don't know, cholrine in a gaseous form is fatal to those who breathe it in.)

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