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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Toaraga: I think I remember reading that it was single-player only, but don't quote me on that. I think I'd prefer it to remain a solo game. Maes Hughes: This, Destiny, and Battlefront 3 are the only things that interested me, and Dishonored was what really got me pumped. What other powers do you have Emily? Seriously, though: there goes our little Empress, off to destroy people. xD (Or make their lives miserable.)
  2. @Decapix: So, so much. She'll probably be the character I play through the game first with, unless there's an incentive to play as Corvo first. I can't wait~ (I wish they told us when its releasing, though. Also, I wonder if Daud will make a cameo?)
  3. As a college junior I can attest to all this being true, and being stuff I wished people would've told me in my first year. Take care of yourself, folks!
  4. *flails about because Dishonored 2*

  5. Excuse me as I flail in happiness at the fact one of my favorite games is getting a sequel. xD (And as I contemplate what potential nastiness will be waiting for the recipients of the Non-Lethal eliminations. How can you one-up the takedowns for Campbell, Burrows, and Delilah?)
  6. All in favor of a Kaita vs Kaita fight at some point in my stories, say 'Aye!'

  7. Sorry about the inactivity, but the third year of college definitely takes priority. At least now I can put some time into my writing again. Here's a quick list of stuff I wanted to mention. House of Wolves DLC: Loads of fun; I'm of the opinion that with its release, Destiny was definitely made worth the money I've sunk into it. With the Playstation exclusive stuff due to arrive to the Xbox soon, I'm eager to get on that as well. Rebirth/other fanfics: Now that my quarter has finished, I should be able to start writing, and posting, chapters for Rebirth. As its got my attention and interest for now, Wings is officially on hiatus, at least until I feel like going back to it. Random life stuff: -Come tomorrow, I will turn 21 in a month. How did that happen? -Wasn't able to get a sweet internship at my mom's workplace that I had my eye on (it was paying, too!), so I'm still photographing at the zoo for my summer job. I'm aiming to try and get an internship, or a job, at a publishing company next school year, so I'll have a place to start when I graduate from college next spring (all being well!) -The carpenter ants stopped invading my room about three weeks ago. Either they ran out of male fliers or they found another way out of the colony that doesn't go inside the building. Either way, I can sleep easier now. So ... yeah. How're things with all of you?
  8. Sweet. Time to make time to go to the theater! -Inferna
  9. @Zox: Thank goodness there aren't any reports of them here, then -- though I bet there'd be an immediate response from the college if there was a bedbug infestation. >_> @Ehksidian: Eww. I think I'd prefer the drain, though: the drain doesn't fly really close to your face when you're trying to deal with it. @Lucina: D: Sorry! @Fisher64: That probably sucked. All of these comments are definitely making me glad that I'll probably live off-campus next year. -Inferna
  10. @Zox Tomana: Wow, that sounds horrible, though at least you got things fixed. The maintenance guys are considering drilling into the walls to try and spray insecticide onto the colony and take them out, which is a better idea than just spraying it outside and hoping to kill the workers. @V1P2: I think bedbugs would be easier to exterminate, though. @SPIRIT: If it is, I think I'm legally allowed to complain to the college about that. My roommates and I were not informed about the millions of roommates that moved in without our prior knowledge. -Inferna
  11. So for the last couple years at WWU (this year and the year before that), I've been living in the same dorm room. This is a problem. Why? Well, the room I'm in has a reputation for having an insect infestation every spring quarter. My first year here, it was silverfish, though I was fortunate to not have to deal with them. The last two years, the years I've been living in the room of evil? Carpenter ants. And not just any carpenter ants. My roommates and I have had to deal with the reproductive-capable males -- aka, the ones with wings. In a small room. Where they like flying near the light fixtures. Soo ... yeah. Now you know why I now have a fear of flying insects. (Rant over guys, sorry.)
  12. I'll send you both PMs with my battletag once I remember what it is xD (I also have not played in a while. Kinda ragequit over being stonewalled by Grobbulus over and over again, and then college stuff happened. Starting to get into it again, which is why I asked.)
  13. My best friend and I have been working our way through Adventure Mode every time I go back to my family's house. We're about 2/3s of the way done with the main map. Lots of fun. ^^ -Inferna
  14. After I left, I really got into Hearthstone. Does anyone else play? I'm up for exchanging Battletags if anyone else wants to.
  15. I've had that thought before. This is partly why I don't really say any of my characters were 'destined' to be Toa; I'd like some free will in my choices, or at least the idea that anyone could be picked. Though I imagine Destiny might become somewhat obsolete on Spherus Magna -- I think a pre-programmed task put in someone's head won't be entirely applicable outside of the Mata Nui Robot. That, or -- since the Great Beings didn't think that the Matoran would evolve and gain sentience -- the GBs put some kind of shutdown mechanic in the Matoran that would 'turn off' their need to complete their Destiny once Mata Nui finished his own. Since they started out as worker drones, they probably thought that not having a goal to work on would shut them down. Imagine their surprise if they check back on their experiment and find out that their drones are still up and about despite being supposedly 'shut down'. -Inferna
  16. Thanks to everyone who tossed ideas for location names at me! It'd be kinda awkward if I kept calling the main location in my upcoming Bionicle fanfic just 'the City' xD For the record, here are the names I've settled on: Fortress: Dorcha (my filler name, which I got attached to) City: Aonui (my original placeholder, which I decided on against Dragon 11603's Clatis via coin toss) Village: Pareo (submitted by Zox Tomana) All being well, I'll start work on the story this quarter, and start posting it in late May-early June if it comes along well. As a side note, I've put Wings on indefinite hiatus (if there's anyone that's wondering about it anymore). I can't make Chapter 15 work the way I want it to, and in any case apparently there are people not keen on how I've been writing it anyway. If I manage to finish Chapter 15 to my satisfaction at some point, I'll put it up, but its not my priority right now. Thanks for reading.
  17. Meanwhile, in the fortress of Dorcha ...

  18. Apparently I can't remember how to quote things on this forum board. As a side note, here are the filler names I've been using: Fortress: Dorcha (kinda attached to this one, actually) City: Aonui Village: Kokiri (definitely need to replace this, if only to stop any ideas that my story is a Bionicle-Legend of Zelda crossover) @SPIRIT: Gods, they all sound tempting, but I like a little variety in my names. =P @Zox Tomana: I really like the sound of Pareo! Thanks! @Dragon11603: I like the sound of Clatis, though I like my placeholder name too ... I might need to just flip a coin to pick between them. =P -Inferna
  19. So I'm trying to set up a plan for a story I'm working on. I've hit a snag, though: I need names for a few locations, and I'm drawing blanks on ideas. Here's what I need. I need a name for a city, a name for a village, and (possibly) a name for a fortress. I promise I will give you credit if I wind up using your ideas in the final product. Commence the brainstorm!
  20. ....that was an epic setup for that one lame pun. I salute you, good sir. =P *looks around in vain for a 'add to favorite stories' button* -Inferna
  21. Rest in peace, Sir Pratchett. :(

  22. Inferna Firesword


    So I'm more or less still sticking around again. I won't be as active as I was back in the site's heyday, since I'm mostly sticking to DA these days. That said, I'm considering starting to post my Bionicle fanfics here, as few as they are. I still have my Wings topics, so if I get that off the ground again I'll probably post chapters there, and I'm toying with a new story idea that might take precedence over it. All being said, I want to know if there's anyone here that would read and/or reply to them. Call me egotistical, but I do like hearing what people think about my work. Thoughts?
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