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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Welp, looks like the world isn't ending. Wait 4.5 billion years, people.

  2. Don't resist the urge! Make as many jokes as you want! =P
  3. Mayans: the world's oldest trolls? ... jokes aside, I highly doubt that tomorrow will be anything other than the average Friday, not the apocolypse or the 'dawn of a new age' as the New-Age people are calling it. Since whatever's supposed to happen is supposed to happen around 5 AM, I'll probably sleep right through it. So, if I don't wake up from earthquakes tomorrow, or I'm unable to move things with my mind (as the New-Ageists are saying I will be), I'm going to have a nice time laughing at the people that bought into it.
  4. If I had an approval I'd give it to you. It explains so much. Maybe I'll make one and give it to you on the 22nd. =P -Inferna
  5. One week until my trip~ ^^

  6. Because I'm not very tech-savvy myself. That, and after watching the tech guy literally take apart my laptop to get at the hard drive, it was probably for the best that I let him handle it.
  7. So, after a session with a Dell tech helper (in which he remotely accessed my laptop -- any Mass Effect 2 jokes will result in the joker being shot), apparently my hard drive is the root of the problem. While he managed to do a temporary fix, I need a new drive. One option was to send my laptop to the Dell depot to get it fixed, but it'd take over two weeks. The other was to pay a fee and get a tech to reinstall. Normally I'd go for the free option, but since it'd be cutting it close to when I go back to college and I'm taking a long trip after Christmas, I can't risk that. So, I've got two or so days for me to back up my files before the tech guy comes. The things I do for a working computer. -.-
  8. I have STOP: 0x0000001E, which according to the Dell service site is not a common error message. I've still got a year of free customer support, so I'll probably try that. Since again, the code isn't a common one, I might need the help. And thanks for the support. I'm used to Windows, and Macs, in the pas, have taken a certain amount of glee in making my life as difficult as possible.
  9. I've run scans almost every time it blue screen's, and did one a few days ago. It's really weird.
  10. Inferna Firesword


    This isn't how I expected my break to start off. My laptop, for the uninformed, seems to have the personality of an aggravating hypochondriac with a weak immune system. I got it last year for Christmas, and in that time has caused me three headaches -- the first was caused less than a week afterwards, when it started freaking out about viruses that didn't exist; the second was when it completely failed and needed a system reboot back in March. This time, it keeps blue screening when I try to log off or shut down, and as a side-effect seems to have disabled my ability to lock it up. The problem started back in November, and has a bit of a routine: I get the blue screen several times, it preforms system repairs, everything goes smoothly for a bit, then it starts again. It's annoying as heck. My dad tried to help me with it today, but it hasn't done much, if at all. Apparently another time spent on the Dell Customer Service is on my agenda tomorrow. Anyone have any suggestions as to what's causing this latest problem? (BTW, I literally have no options other than to fix this: my parents won't buy a new one, and I can't afford a new laptop. 'Getting a new one' isn't going to solve my problems.)
  11. That sound you hear? Its the sound of those that bought into the 'world ends 12/21/12' deal and realizes they paid to survive for nothing ... fast-forwarded a week into the future.

  12. From my limited gameplay of 2012 games ... Borderlands 2, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and Halo 4 are the best. Can't say anything about anything else. -Inferna
  13. From whom I can remember ... Emperor WhenuaSwertRoa McToaHahli HuskyLetagiAkaku Master of Flight (naturally =P) -Inferna
  14. ... it's really weird to be home and not seeing my Bear around; I keep expecting her to hop on my bed and steal my water, or sit on my lap. =( ... anyway, I'll be on XBL this weekend, if anyone's interested. Can't play Halo 4, though, because I'm broke and my brother hasn't bought it. >_>
  15. At this rate I don't think I'm ever gonna get there .... xDGreat job, Kray! ^^-Inferna
  16. My parents brought Teddy to the vet this morning to see if they good give her some saline water to help with her dehydration problems. My cat gets very stressed out when she's brought places in a car, and she doesn't like the vet's office very much because there are other animals there. That's probably why, when they got there, her condition deteriorated to the point they needed to put her on a respirator to help her breathe. After considering the options, we decided she was too weak to try and surgically drain the fluid from her lungs. She was suffering, and we decided it would be kinder to let her go in peace, so in the end, we euthenized her so she wouldn't be struggling to breathe. RIP, Teddy: 1994 - 2012
  17. I just wish it was under happier circumstances. ;_; My 18-year-old cat is very sick: she has fluid in her lungs, and its making her breathing very labored. She's on three different medications, but she's very dehydrated and has lost a lot of weight. She can barely stand or walk, let alone climb onto the couch or my bed. We're hoping that she can recover, or at least start recovering, by the time I go back to Western on Sunday, but at her age, it's difficult to say.

  19. So after four-ish years of knowing of it and doing nothing, I finally succumbed to RvB. And all it took was the seven minutes of awesomeness, provided by Tex (aka my new favorite action girl) in S8, E10. What's next for me to start watching? ... (no spoilers okay guys I have seasons to catch up on)
  20. It's impossible to reason with. It ate up my time too. -Inferna
  21. I wish I could be there this year ... ;_; Have fun, though. -Inferna
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