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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Thanks for posting this; I was looking for an excuse to bring it back. =P


    1. What is my life's philosophy?

    "Power" ~ Kanye West (Heck yes)


    2. What will my last words be?

    "The Butterfly" ~ Celtic Woman


    3. How am I feeling today?

    "Gerudo Valley" ~ Koji Kondo (fighting, huh? I'll go with that)


    4. What is my theme song?

    "Bring Me To Life" ~ Evanescence (<.<)


    5. What song will be playing at my wedding?

    "Keep Holding On" ~ Avril Lavigne (lol)


    6. What song will be played at my funeral?

    "Battlefield" ~ Jordin Sparks


    7. How will I be remembered?

    "Cantina Band" ~ John Williams (*laughter*)


    8. What is some good advice for me?

    "Rude Boy" ~ Rihanna (HAHAHAHA)


    9. What is my life's dream?

    "The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley" ~ Koji Kondo


    10. What's my kind of lady/man?

    "Jesse's Girl" ~ Frickin' A


    11. How do people see me?

    "I Hate Everything About You" ~ Three Days Grace ( :()


    12. How would I describe this page?

    "There Goes the Neighborhood" ~ Sheryl Crow


    13. How would I describe my best friend?

    "Leave Out All the Rest" ~Linkin Park


    14. What's in store for this week?

    "Forgotten" ~ Linkin Park (this is either good or bad. Not sure which =/)


    15. How would I describe my parents?

    "Since U Been Gone" ~Kelly Clarkson (okay that's just funny)


    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    "Love the Way You Lie (Part II)" ~ Rihanna feat. Eminem (this can't be good ._.)


    17. What do my friends think of me?

    "I Know Why" ~Sheryl Crow


    18. What is said about me behind my back?

    "Your Crowning Glory" ~ Julie Andrews(I knew it! :happydance: )


    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?

    "Zoosters Breakout" ~ Hans Zimmer (*snerk*

  2. I feel the exact same way. I posted a blog entry that was kind of a rant about reviewing and reading stories and whatnot, you ought to read it if you want semi-entertainment, lol. Still, we're in the same boat. =/

    Truth be told, I think everyone is. I wish some of our stuff could be spotlighted on the front page: goodness knows Danger Close and Wings could use the publicity. :|

  3. HA! Now that made me laugh. I love it! Make a best friends list to get people to review yours stuff. I need to try that. :B

    Well, after the forums rebooted, I have to get them somehow. :P


    Talk about buying friendships... :P

    Ever heard the saying about how the way to a person's heart is through their stomach? That's the way to mine: reviewing stories without my having to twist their arms. :P

  4. It's not so much that it hasn't been getting attention (back on the old forums the review topic was well on its way to getting its fourth page), but that most of the old reviewers seem to have bailed on me. D=


    @Zar/Quiet Light: Does this mean I have to break out the grenade machine gun again? :evilgrin:



  5. Mmkay, I should review 'What Lurks Below' tonight. I might split my review for Wings in half, so it'll be easier I guess, lol. Thanks though. ^_^
    =D I'd hold off on Wings for a couple days: I'm updating either tonight or tomorrow.



    OK. I'll see if I can review it about on Thursday/Wednesday night. =]

    Well, either way it's updated. =D



  6. I might get you a B&N card, but don't expect an iTunes card ;D


    And you can pick up KOTOR I and II on Steam rather cheap, if I recall.

    Yes, but there's two three problems with that: I don't have Steam, I already have both games for the old Xbox, and I would really like to get them remade for the 360. :P


    Cool list. And, I feel bad - I never got to reviewing Wings, sorry. =( Maybe this weekend I'll get to it, I have the unfortunate gift of procrastination. :P

    Ah, don't worry: I still have to review Danger Close, after all. :P



  7. Need to go read it. Good luck in the contest, I sadly won't be entering due to school, and I never asked my parents for complete confirmation that I could join. Besides, writer's block has a tendency to really put a damper on things. <_<


    But, enough about me, good luck. It'd be awesome if you were to win. :D

    You need to ask your parents for permission? o.0


    Sorry about that (and the Writer's Block), but yes, it would be awesome if I managed to pull off my first contest win ever. =D




    (PS: Almost finished reading what you've reposted for Danger Close; expect my review within a week.)

  8. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should never quickly glance at something.


    I read "I preordered something from Barnes & Noble" as "I plundered Barnes & Nobles"


    It was quite a "WHAA??? ...Oh. *Facepalms*." Moment. XD

    *away: dying of laughter in the next room*


    Don't spoil inheritance for me! I need to plunder Barnes & Nobles to get it first.

    Don't worry: I never spoil the unwilling. :P

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