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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *Left 4 Dead reference flies straight over my head*

  2. *lights explode, only to be replaced with freaky green torches* *appears in my Withc Queen costume* *laughs insanely and draws sword*

  3. They're still annoyed with you freezing them solid, but okay.

    ...should I be scared?

  4. I'll be quiet, but I will still expect an update one of these days. =P

  5. *is still waiting for a Cry of the Broken update*

  6. BTW, you might lol at my new Rule 86. =P

  7. That was pretty much my intention. =P

  8. Haha, don't worry, I won't be the "kill" factor on that. =P

    (And yeah; Akaku did a great job, didn't he? =D)

  9. (BTW, I'm still waiting for that Huna Nui stuff to be posted. =P)

  10. *pokes repeatedly with sharp pointy objects*

  11. This is long overdue, but welcome to BZP! =D

  12. Why are you hunting me? The bounty on Zarayna's head is 3,000,000 widgets now -- three times as much as mine. =P

  13. Gerbils? Pah; that's lame. =P

  14. You haven't found out yet? I have no mercy. >=D

  15. Thanks for giving me an even bigger incentive to kill you. >=D *takes aim*

  16. Have fun being 15. =P *has life ring ready to throw out to you*

  17. True that. *gets grenade machine guns and hands one to you* >=D

  18. *chases with homing daggers and giant sword*

  19. Dealing with school and all forms of writing (fanfiction and original work). Oh yeah, and Brickcon. =P

  20. *attacks because of Rule 21*

  21. Hmm, seems we'll be in the Warzone again. Hope you survive, old friend. =P

  22. *is still waiting for a Wings review*

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