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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *kills Zarayna*

    Anyway, happy 21st birthay; your e-cake awaits in my blog. =P

  2. (PS: I may be changing up my commission request a bit. I'm currently torn between the original and a new idea. =/)

  3. *whew* Thank goodness for that. =P

  4. I just noticed I'm not on your commission list. Did I do something wrong? (I -know- I signed up for the list ... unless I was dreaming that, too ...)

  5. *plots to make your birthday topic*

  6. Moving, huh? Where to? =D

  7. Make that a DONE Prank Wars SS. >=D

  8. More like from an awesome friend (*cough*Japoro*cough*) who runs a weapon factory and lets me raid his stock when I please. =P

  9. *trains grenade machine gun on you*

  10. *hasn't played Reach as I lack a 360 (but I want to)*

  11. Why yes, yes it is. >=D *takes out grenade machine gun*

  12. They're rules if I say they are. =P

  13. Agreed. Washington is an awesome place. =D

  14. Wow, I finally got around to noticing we both live in Washington. =P (PS: I got a mention in your rules; I feel honored)

  15. Huh. Not sure what to say to that.

    In other news, how's the Visotoran MOC going?

  16. PS, when are we gonna get the story rolling, anyway?

  17. ... *takes out grenade machine gun and opens fire*

  18. Depends on the rule. If it specifies you'll get yourself eaten by Orinda, you get eaten. If I say you'll get your base destroyed by Zev in a mech, you get that. =P

  19. Okay dude, I kept up my end of the deal. Now keep yours!

  20. Ah, dang it. Looks like I barely missed your birthday. Well, in anycase, happy birthday; have fun being a teenager. =P

  21. Oh alright, you had it right. However, it's not getting entered in an RPG contest; I decided to take it and turn it into a epic (which is more within my league, anyway). =P

  22. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. :sly:

  23. Other than the grey clouds that are currently blanketing my skies? Not much.

    (Oh alright, that and Metroid Prime.)

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