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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. No prob. What are friends for? XD Wait... are we friends? lol

  2. Hello!! How are you? I see you added me...

  3. YOU'RE LATE!!!!! *hits you over the head with a rubber chair* XD ROFL Well, time for some PMing now. :)

  4. Thank you!!! *gives you a big hug* Would you like to be friends? Unless we already are...

  5. XD ROFL!!! *pulls out a marshmallow, and begins to roast it* Want one? lol *throws a firecracker into the fire, making it turn blue, then green, etc.* Woooo, ahhhhh, eeeee... Pretty lights... lol

  6. So it is real? COOLIO!!!!!!! I wanna see it now!! Anyways, that is good that you are good. ^^ Huuuuuuuuuuggg... *blushes* XD Lol

  7. Well that is cool!! ^^ Alright, cya later!! *gives you a hug* :D

  8. Would you like to review my epic?

  9. You is welcome!! ^_^ I try, but all I can make is drawings of my movie characters, or weapons. I can't draw people for some reason though...

  10. Alright, I will wait for your... wait, you are trying to catch me?!?! EEP!!!! *runs away* XD

  11. It is a pic of you?! Very nice!! ^^ I wish I could draw that good... T~T

  12. BTW, who is your personal pic? And it is very nice. ^^

  13. Yay!!! All you gots ta do is send me a PM with your mask, color, species, weapons, description, and bio. ^^ It is alot, but it will be worth it. :)

  14. Yeah... if only technology kept up with TV.... XD ROFL Well, for now, all I can do is epic characters, so... would you like to guest star in my next one? ^^

  15. My new quote is the best so far... I need to find more like that one. -.- If you can find any who read this, I would appreciate it very much!!

  16. YAAAYZ!!! But one question... how would we coordinate that? XD Lol

  17. To a mysterious and dark place known as... Paramount pictures!!! XD No, I was just calling Paramount, but I cannot seem to get through... and I am really scared to do it...

  18. I said "chase and catch", once again you aren't supposed to put me in da hozpital!!! And when are we gonna fight?

  19. I cannot wait for picz!!! And if you want to voice over sure, but the movie I am talking about is like... a Motion Picture movie. Ya know?

  20. C'aye see picz!!! XD So, you really are that good? Hmmm... what would you say if I included you in a movie? As a character of course.

  21. Roa, could I use Vakatu, Krukoa, and Baewyrm in my next epic? PLEASE!!!! I'll be your bestest friend!!! XD

  22. Hello!! Cool name dude!! Cya.

  23. Now I remember!! Lol The lollipop guild is hilarious, especially in any way that you say it!! Also, were you in the play?

  24. Don't worry about it. I am, as you may have already figured out, a very kind, and forgiving person. ^^ Anyways... dang I forgot what I was gonna say. XD

  25. Yeah, he COULD be the actual person. XD Could you just imagine?

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