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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. *gives you a bunch of fireworks, then a large box of TNT, then someone screams," I'M DYNO-MITE!!"* I built another fort, and you have my permission to blow it up!! XD

  2. Good Morning!!!!! *gives you a hug*

  3. Hey DX, what's shakin!!! ...*stares at your personal pic* Whu? XD Scrubs?

  4. Wow... that is almost like the first non-Etna pic for your per.pic. And it is FUNNAY!!!!!!! XD ROFL

  5. So... you're a hyper kitty? Well then... XD How hyper is hyper?

  6. ... It is in my profile, *points to the Silvon and Kotus thing* XD

  7. I am very good!! I found a funny vid of Gaara and Rock Lee doing the Caramelldansen dance. ROFL XD LOL It is worth it to see. Wanna see it?

  8. 4 stars!!!! You are welcome. :D

  9. Hello, and welcome to BZP!!!! Please feel free to stay as long as you want, and remember to have as much fun as super-humanly possible!! ^^ And because you are new, I will give you 5 star auto!!! lolz

  10. Anyways... XD Have you seen my epic by any chance?

  11. I return!!! Hello. ^^

  12. Indeed they should!!! XD I will!! *hugs YOU back* lol

  13. You won't be laughin for long...

  14. XD I liked when he tried to communicate with them, "Numa yay, numa numa yay, numa--" *gets hit by the laser* XD ROFL Well, I am off to see Love Guru, so... G'bye for now!! *gives you a goodbye hug*

  15. Ye, I got it, don't talk to a lday like that, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnddd... *looks on a list of things to say* XD Also, why are you hunting the prez?

  16. Yeah... I am working on that... XD Also, YAYZ!!!!!

  17. Hello!!! How is the story going?

  18. You should definitely see Frequency!!! It hasthe Numa-Numa song in it, and it is just plain HILARIOUS!!!!!! XD

  19. Wow... I sorta expected that... lolz

  20. I am already in school. For about a week, and 2 days.

  21. I knew you'd be... lol Forget I said the other stuff, so have you ever seen any Halo vids like Frequency, 10 ways to tell if you're a noob, etc.? XD on the noob one.

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