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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. Ok, as long as you... OH MY---*fort is completely destroyed by a large bus that flew from out of nowhere* XD ROFL What a twist!

  2. ... Wait. XD Wow, I couldn't have gotten that MORE confusing!!!! ROFL LOL XD ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!!! I am sorry for confusing ya. :P I can't think straight today for some reason...

  3. You are dancing wit da prez?!?!? O~O

  4. Whatever, now we PM!!!! *goes to send PM*

  5. I am afraid at the moment, but otherwise I am ok. :D

  6. That face has been around forever, see? *^o^* XD Anyways, wha??? You is still with Hilton though... rofl

  7. Uhhh... what are you gonna do with those...? *shakes in fear in his little pillow fort* XD

  8. ... Nope, I just don't get it. S8'( lol new face!!

  9. I will take that as a "thank you" and you are welcome. ^_^ *gives you a hug* So, have you ever seen any funny Halo vids?

  10. Ok, where are you Advent? What happened man?!? *pokes him vigorously*

  11. *laughs hysterically and almost dies laughing* WOW!!!! XD I was waiting for something like that to happen!!!! Yes, apparently he kept all sorts of things in there... maybe I'll get one? LOL

  12. Hewo!! Sorry about your manequine... XD *poke and a hug* ^^

  13. That is why I only use spare parts for mine.

  14. I know, right? He just runs around as he... you know. But, Batman vs Godzilla was classic, especially the Abraham Lincoln part!! XD

  15. Wow... you work fast. I ran out of good parts ages ago... now I can't build a thing.

  16. Yeah, that part was pretty funny!! The end is weird though, is it not?

  17. No, but I can imagine it now... O.O That is awsum!! So, did you have any parts that you liked in that song?

  18. XD "But Chuck saw through this clever disguise, and he crushed Batmans head..." ROFL What was your favorite part?

  19. ... I just have a bunch of Makuta... but, they are pretty big, and awesome!!

  20. Oh. So I take it you did like the video? XD ROFL

  21. I forgot to tell you that the video for the song isn't funny, the lyrics are... I forgot to say that.

  22. Ok, you are gonna laugh so hard!! ROFL

  23. I just remembered a funny song!!!! XD Have you ever heard of, "The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny"? It's a song. XD

  24. 10 of those pies hit me* ... I'm hit!!! *falls over on the ground* XD ROFL!!!!!!! Tanks for da pie!

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