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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. That is what James Bond would do. XD ROFL

  2. You are welcome, and also, once gain, nice new pic!! You are hard to keep up with!!! XD lol

  3. I forgot to thank ya for the review!! >~/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png" />

  4. Thank is awesome man!!! So, do you still need Rogwiz's help?

  5. xD Yeah... I got Bad Company 2 in the most recent news btw. I finished the game and now I finally figured out how to get online with it, so yeah. I've been playing online with it ALOT. xD

  6. Hello! This is my first comment on your page... I think? Sooooo... ummm... run away!!!! Thx for reading

  7. Meh, I assume stuff ALL the time. XD I was j/k. Dont'cha know?

  8. Obviously I am a sir!!!! >B'( XD ROFL j/k But seriously, sure, I wil review your comics... which one?

  9. XD ROFL!! I know, isn't it? And when you read this, hi. (I don't know when you will be on, this is just in advance) :P

  10. XD ROFL!!! *pulls out a marshmallow, and begins to roast it* Want one? lol *throws a firecracker into the fire, making it turn blue, then green, etc.* Woooo, ahhhhh, eeeee... Pretty lights... lol

  11. That is cool!I think I will check it out soon!!! :D

  12. Which Envy? And, yeah Envy does rock!!! What Ed did to defeat Greed, was change his body's composition into a softer material than carbon, and he just slashed him right though his heart... I don't know what he did, but it had big fancy words in it, so obviously it was Ed. ROFL

  13. I also forgot... *pokes you twice* XD :P

  14. Meh, we all have our ups and downs. Take me for instance: I like doing dangerous things for no apparent reason!! *covers himself in honey* Now if you will excuse me, Imma WRASSLE A BEAR!!!!!! *runs off to do so* XD ROFL

  15. Thank you!!! *gives you a big hug* Would you like to be friends? Unless we already are...

  16. DUDE!!!!!! Awesome personal statement, and name!!!!! So I assume that you like Soul Calibur... Thx for reading

  17. Don't do that!!!! It bad for you!! You needs your sleeps!!!!!!!!!

  18. O_O Ummm, uh, umm... I can explain... Smoke bomb!!!! *throws a smoke bomb, and goes to reply to your topic* XD

  19. Hmmm, cool!!! I heard that Assasain's Creed is a good game. So you like the stealthy Altair... cool! ^^

  20. ?? Why you keep puttnig words I don't know? XD Lol And yay!!! You came back!! ^^ *gives you a hug, and pokes you twice* :D

  21. I wouldn't argue about rocks... wait. Why were you arguing about rockz? o.0 lol

  22. You are dancing wit da prez?!?!? O~O

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