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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. what did you eat that made throw it up

  2. what do you mean j

  3. what i hate though they said it was a mini-series

  4. what i meant to say was i think you like clank now sense i got you that demo

  5. what is a nudpucker anyway sounds like a weird fruit seed or something

  6. what is that in EVE's hand, in your Ppic?

    and have you seen WALL-E?

  7. what is the cake is a lie

  8. what is the cake is a lie

  9. what is the personal pic you have?

  10. what is the weird cat on the stairs pic from?

  11. What is your avatar?

  12. what is your avatar

  13. what is your personal pic?

  14. what is your pic

  15. what is your Ppic

  16. what is your Ppic

  17. what my bro said

  18. What the heck is your avatar.

  19. what topic we're you looking at

  20. What up with the big red eye pokemon thingy?

  21. what up with the bunni war thing

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