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Status Updates posted by Millennium

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. believe victims

      believe victims

      Oops, a bit long apparently. That last part was: Dinosaur feathers are a complex issue. Considering we've found scales on birds are derived from feathers, it's a bit simplistic to look at a scale impression from a dinosaur and come to the conclusion it could not have had a feathered ancestor.

    3. Millennium


      I'm not really an expert, eh. I just saw that article and you came to mind. If we do find strong evidence that most dinosaurs were feathered we might be able to stop thinking of birds as a class of its own. They're just reptiles.

    4. believe victims

      believe victims

      Well, that leads into an interesting discussion of how outdated Linnaean taxonomy is. Because it's true that birds should be reptiles, but similarly, it's true that reptiles should be amphibians, and amphibians (and by extension, reptiles, birds, and mammals) are all fish. This is why, more recently, scientists prefer to use a different system called cladistics, which forms rankless nested groups based on shared common ancestors.

  1. ... just adding a comment

  2. 'and I like [...] attractive females' that made me chuckle, hah

  3. (comment below, eh!)

  4. @Knuckles: nope

    @Red Toad:So do I! Look at my new avatar of doom!

  5. @Red Toad Changing your name completely isn't the smartest thing to do

  6. *quotes Spawnie* ^^

  7. 52nd BZP poster!

  8. actually, erebus changed my name to millennium, but yes, you can still call me ZKoTV :P

  9. Actually, I'm where you are. But if you're where I'm not, how could I be where you are? Either you don't exist or...IT'S A PARADOX![/acting stupid]

  10. Ah. Nice to know

  11. alternative LoMN cover?

  12. And how are you going with it?

  13. Another thing I'd like to do was to save the clips from MNOG2 in video format...maybe with a camera...

  14. are Toa Cykron from BS01?

  15. Are you continuing your epic?

  16. Are you going to help ou with Next Generation?

  17. Are you going to help out in the Next Generation project?

  18. Artist! And you do a non lego art! Like me!

  19. as for Bionicle pieces, there is only one that I showed o BZP, and it was Nektann helmet...and it didn't turn out so well

  20. Awesome sig and av. You made them yourself?

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