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Status Updates posted by Millennium

  1. What's on my mind stays in my mind, most of the time.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Millennium


      Hey, guess what? That bus never hit me. Apparently Vezon opened a random dimensional gate and I was saved! Good old Vezon...

    3. Ghidora131


      *watches a falcon target Millenium and attack*


      Irony. :P

    4. Millennium


      Well, that's unfortunate

      *dies. for good, this time*

  2. Time to leave

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131
    3. Ghidora131


      See you in sicily (or something)

    4. Nescent


      Well, darn, I noticed you've been absent. Hope you come back around.

  3. You know I was looking for you for quite some time since my 'return' to BZPower. But couldn't find you. I knew there was this german (I think) girl who drew and had something with Takanuva in her name aaaand there you are. Now what? I don't know. This is a long message.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      In that case, hello and welcome back! :D

      (I'm not german, though xD)

    3. Millennium


      Oh poop. Must be confused.

      So, how ya doin?

    4. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Doing okay, kinda busy with university at times. You? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. believe victims

      believe victims

      Oops, a bit long apparently. That last part was: Dinosaur feathers are a complex issue. Considering we've found scales on birds are derived from feathers, it's a bit simplistic to look at a scale impression from a dinosaur and come to the conclusion it could not have had a feathered ancestor.

    3. Millennium


      I'm not really an expert, eh. I just saw that article and you came to mind. If we do find strong evidence that most dinosaurs were feathered we might be able to stop thinking of birds as a class of its own. They're just reptiles.

    4. believe victims

      believe victims

      Well, that leads into an interesting discussion of how outdated Linnaean taxonomy is. Because it's true that birds should be reptiles, but similarly, it's true that reptiles should be amphibians, and amphibians (and by extension, reptiles, birds, and mammals) are all fish. This is why, more recently, scientists prefer to use a different system called cladistics, which forms rankless nested groups based on shared common ancestors.

  4. Wake up baby, it's time to die

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I am ready to meet The Potter and shed this flawed flesh. Make it quick, will ya?

    3. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      Too bad, I died in my sleep.

    4. FrozenPancake_


      What a lovely way to start the morning.

  5. Isn't it about time someone makes an Artakha MOC with the MoC?

    1. Ghidora131


      Once I have it.

    2. Millennium


      Looking forward to it!

  6. We still keep believing in white and comforting lies.

    1. Ghidora131


      Oh, that's not true.



    2. Millennium


      It's from a song.


      And unfortunately it's very true.

  7. In what sense are you an 'old-earth creationist'?

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      As in I believe the Universe is billions of years old and the idea is Biblical. There is not enough room to put a full explanation so I will PM it to you.

  8. Is this guy even alive? :S

    I miss your MOCs

    1. Maxilos.Bolso


      I'm alive, yeah. 4 years later. I miss them too :(

  9. oh, that...I thought no one would notice it that I forget I did it myself...well, it's just a silver Moltoran body

  10. Your profile pic is amusing.

    1. Owlexander


      Why thank you. I take pride in my editing skillz. :)

  11. Is that the Marker?

    1. Nescent


      Yes indeed it is, with Christmas colors.

  12. what? no visitor since september!?

  13. Ever heard of Hidron recently? It's quite some time that i don't see him active.

  14. hey! it's quite some time that we don't heard anything from you! Any reasons?

  15. When does school begin where you live?

  16. you won 5 ghost coins :P

  17. Hi there! (just wanted to say hello)

  18. random question, bones: why are there three "i" at the end of your name?

  19. Hey, there!

    How are you going?

  20. How do someone know he is poster #.. of BZpower?

  21. I'm okay...umm, I just don't know what to say, I just wanted to talk.

  22. Yup, sorry for not answering before.

    Well, that's not then of the world, is it?


    Oh, wait, we're still in 2009.


  23. capito. non vedo l'ora di vedere i tuoi disegni!

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