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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Eeko

  1. I was expecting Ravenclaw for my house, but I wound up in Gryffindor. Ah well.


    Also, what's your wand flexibility? If it's Unyielding, the only thing different between our wands is the wood.


    It's Hard.

    I was either gonna end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, I like where I am though. :D

    What's the wood for yours?

  2. Just curious, but would it be a bad thing if they knew? I mean, I don't advocate people "coming out of the closet" and proclaiming they're a brony to everyone. Nobody likes behavior like that, no matter who you are. But it's not exactly something you should force yourself to hide, should anyone ask about it.


    My parents would draw... unwanted conclusions if I told them.

    I'm not really up for that level of drama.

  3. Ooh! Ooh! What are you working on in class? *spaz*


    Also, which text are you using? Griffiths = Win.



    I'm using Jearl Walker. It's still community college level, so nothing too fancy. Mostly Schrödinger's equation for infinite and finite potential traps.

    Working up towards the atom. :D

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