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Blog Comments posted by Overlord

  1. My intention for it was to keep the original roster of members together, to promote knowledge of science, literature, and BIONICLE, and to further its own short-term goals.

    In other words, it is many things, and perhaps has evolved beyond what I intended for it. It does whatever its members agree upon. I plan to expand its mission(s) in the future, and make it more obvious to the general BZP and BAW public.

  2. Tsk tsk, NM, you didn't use discretion! :rolleyes:


    Wait, what? What is this discretion you speak of?


    *looks at writing*


    Maybe I should have done that too...


    Great drawing! Not quite as I imagined, but who cares what I think? I think that you all think that I think that I'm thinking that... I'm thinking about this wrong. :wacko:




  3. Due to my nitpicky nature, I'm going to go ahead and say that in that last sentence, it should be "me" rather than "I". :P

    This random section is just because I can, as you all should know.


    And, of course, I've never heard of the movie. Like you all expected me to.

    Gah! Sorry. Didn't catch that one. Typing and moving stuff around in my room is not a good combo.

    And for sheer randomness, I shall be putting this section in, because I can as well. :P

    I had not heard of that movie as well, not until my friend was like "You haven't seen Labyrinth?! ZOMG, like what is wrong with you? Everyone's seen that movie!!1!"


    I hadn't either. Now I have, but I'll probably never watch it.

  4. Not even the cartoonnetwork series? :o


    Anywho I barely saw any of the old series....but the new series I have :D


    You should take a gander at the old series sometime. It's really good! :)


    ... and, in my opinion, trumps all of its successors. The subsequent series lost me my interest in Transformers. <_< Ah well.


    Which ones? Like Armada/Energon/Cybertron?


    Indeed so. As well as the one that came before Armada... I don't remember its name.


    Robots in Disguise I believe.


    o_O That's an odd name for the whole series. It's always been the implied subtitle...






    Now there is one.

    One the left side, just scroll down until you find it ;)


    I don't believe anything needs to be said now.


    Besides [:happydance:], of course.





    Basically that's why. I don't go through Blogs and look for people I know. Sorry, but I basically can't keep track of my own comments, let alone the three blogs that I try to follow... when I can...

  7. Not even the cartoonnetwork series? :o


    Anywho I barely saw any of the old series....but the new series I have :D


    You should take a gander at the old series sometime. It's really good! :)


    ... and, in my opinion, trumps all of its successors. The subsequent series lost me my interest in Transformers. <_< Ah well.


    Which ones? Like Armada/Energon/Cybertron?


    Indeed so. As well as the one that came before Armada... I don't remember its name.




  8. Not even the cartoonnetwork series? :o


    Anywho I barely saw any of the old series....but the new series I have :D


    You should take a gander at the old series sometime. It's really good! :)


    ... and, in my opinion, trumps all of its successors. The subsequent series lost me my interest in Transformers. <_< Ah well.




  9. [noob]ME NEEDZ TAHT[/noob]


    Especially the bottom one. :drool:


    I have a couple Kanohi Nuva left over if you're interested. :)


    Hm... which ones?


    Out of white I have Kaukau, Akaku, Pakari, Kakama. And green Pakari, Akaku, Kakama, Miru.


    If you need any others you can check my current trading topic and tell me what you need. :)


    Sorry for the very late reply.


    Anyway, I'd likely be interested in your White Kaukau Nuva, Green Kakama Nuva, Trans-Black Kaukau, and Trans-Neon-Orange Kaukau.




  10. I know my places.


    It's possible to find them on eBay with other items you were looking for in auctions that are going for less than the MEK's value, let alone the combined value of all of the collectibles contained therein.




    ~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


    I've tried that before too. It's just that I got tired of waiting and just went with the best deal I could probably get. :lol:


    Heh... it's just that is the best deal I could get, since I can't find the MEK anywhere else... and I lost the bidding battle anyway. :P At least I finally got my Transparent Medium Blue Kaukau, but you're far ahead of me.




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