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Everything posted by Oblitus

  1. Bionicle the game wasn't that great, especially with it being non-canonical and I really disliked the Pohatu, Lewa, Tahu Nuva levels. Bionicle Heroes however, was my all time favorite Bionicle game.
  2. Is that chalk or a drawing? I can't tell.
  3. Granted, but the ocean floods you.I wish that I was nice.
  4. I do. He is trying to excersise(obviously by his sig) and be healthy. Which is why I would like to do that to :(GAH! Ninjah'd.Nope, never seen it.TPBM has a gecko
  5. My droids freeze you in carbonite.MY MASK MY SUBJECTS!
  6. Why wouldn't I, Pirok? :PTPBM likes cheesecake.
  7. IC: Senatos and Gaea: Ga-Wahi:Senatos and Gaea picked out their legion of troops and proceeded to Kuyre. "WHAT THE KARZ ARE WE FOR THE LAST KARZIN TIME!" Gaea squeaked.
  8. OOC: How could the shadow blasts just go to Greel? Orssa controls their direction.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa stumbled out of the tunnel, catching a breath and then falling seeming unconsious.
  9. IC: Eamerzon: Le-Wahi:"I did not do it this time. Nope. Nope. Nope.". Eamerzon countered.OOC: OMG! Ella reference from The Son Of Neptune!
  10. IC: Eamerzon: Le-Wahi:"Dang! You smell worse than when Nuju decied to have a drink for once, and that wasn't good." Eamerzon said to Havon.
  11. I use the droid's translator to command a group of Zyglak that trample you.And by the way, All Hail the Infinite Empire is saying the mask is mine, WHICH IT IS! HAHAHAH!
  12. Oops. Didn't know there was a difference... http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/embarassed.gifJapan
  13. I send my Ancient Droids after you and they annoy you into a question mark, thus making you incapable of movement.All Hail the Infinite Empire.
  14. IC: Amalia and Terizov: Parched Wastes:"I will see to it, my new companion." Terizov boasted. He picked up the now unconsious Amalia and flew off with Levacius.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa also got in the air tunnel, took another breath, and fired multiple shadow bursts.
  15. IC: Eamerzon: Ko-Koro:"Yay! Time to see eccentric people like me, only they love birds and I loathe them...."OOC: Eamerzon to Le-Wahi.
  16. IC: Tiras: Ga-Wahi:"I could send people there via my supersonic blast." Tiras mentioned.
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