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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Status Updates posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. Nananananananananananannaanannanana HA.


  2. Naw, what i meant was that, If i recall, inferna got the rules idea from Zev "killerbee" raregroove, which then spread across the seneca and now to... everywhere. Dunno if Zev's where it originated from though...

  3. Nice little blade burrowerssss *I use my mask, which puts them under my control. Tehy charge towards you and attack.*

  4. Nice, enlightening chat Chan'e. Though i gotta say, on the subject of living life without fear, that it's the governments fault. They use fear in an attempt to control us, never realising that that fear, in turn, grows in the people who live everyday lives, causeing them to chose darker paths. Such the murderer, the robber, the drug dealer, is born out of the wish to get the things they wa

  5. No - what i find an insult is the fact that she routinely beats me. THE WOMAN HAS PART O my ELEMENT IN HER NAME.

    Oh, and in responce to your personal statement, that which does not kill you can leave you disabled, or maimed, or worse [/Midnighters]

  6. No idea what your comment was supposed to mean... well, maybe i have an idea.

  7. No idea, KTM's not talking to me bout it.

  8. No names. Don't need em.

    As an added bonus i'll get rid of Dov-y for ya heheheheh

  9. No problem! It was really good.

  10. NO U.

    I draw my inspiration from that one "I'm Kini and imma pretend to be drunk for two hours in a chatroom" incident.

  11. No, not realy... sorry.

  12. Not much.... just practicing ma writing skillz... i need an idea for an SS though....

  13. O.K Inferna... i'll join.

    i just PM sisen my profile right?

  14. O.o

    Wait... you live in ontario... which means that at this exact moment of me typing this comment it's something like 5 in the morning over there...

    How are you alive??? I'm dead tired at 2:00 XD

    Random Comments are random. Back on topic (?) those are a great many very very shiny lights you have one your mask/house/decorations there SPIRIT, =P

  15. Oh em Gee it's a Ha-Hli-Hus-Ky!



    He's doing better off than Akaku's >=D

  17. OH my GOD IT'S THE HALF DRGON GUY! I havn't talked to you since... what, Abyss i think... or Locus Abeo. Whazzup?

  18. Oh my gosh you staffies are busy lately =P

    Sooo refresh my memory... (one) of your sibblings is Peach 00... and you're also the person with like, the biggest BZPower family evar...

    Or am i completely insane, to be put in a straight jacket and threatened with pointy sticks if i don't write stories with my nose?

  19. OH OH! I remember that "Object" MoC... that was... is awesome. you're pretty good at building you know... :D

  20. Oh, and BTW - i really hope you don't expect our Incursions on Reach to go HALF as well as our battles in WfC. For starters, me and Ak are a great team - and secondly, no matter who you are, no one beats a ten year veteran in their first month. unless you get REALLY frickin lucky...

  21. Oh, and one more BTW.

    My wrath takes a loooooooooong time to get started. So don't you worry, one day you'll find the moon conveniently DOESN'T Blow up, and you conveniently DO.

  22. Oh, and Rising Moon's more epic.

  23. Oh, BTW, that Balrog was on lease... You owe me twenty bucks for him. I already found the wizard and got him to make new cars for ya.

  24. Oh, did i mention your name sounds like that of a woman?

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