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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. Mobius

    Stuff To Say

    is the keypad virtual and pointed at with an ergonomic controller?
  2. Mobius


    no, ZOMG MONKEY. you are thinking of Quadratic equations.
  3. Mobius

    Bio Not Mech

    *runs off with Exo's ego* This is even better than his fridge!
  4. Mobius

    The Wii

    Wii now envy you SO very much.
  5. *ahem* the proper singular of 'ellipses' (in this case) is ellipsis. (no joke).
  6. Mobius

    Sign The Petition!

    If you do not comply to this petition, SPitty, Abnormal People, Waffle Warriors, and other people will besiege Spittsburgh. ..and we'll finish off the drowning guy in your av and sig. :blink: wow, he did it.
  7. so how about the Fridge Award?
  8. Mobius

    I Got My Wii!

    And the Xbox 129600 will be out.
  9. can I have your Refridgerator?
  10. Mobius

    The Abnormal People

    GFLK= mothabnormalman.
  11. this better be some high-brow literature, or I'll pull some strings and remove all of your Omi Awesome Points.
  12. Mobius

    Comedies Aren't Funny

    you know that at one point crazy frog beat out a coldplay single for the top spot on the UK singles chart?
  13. Mobius

    Lsw2: Bink Update

    Do you have a game without a memorized glitch, Deep-Freeze?
  14. Mobius


    And on a related note, I must say that microsoft Flight Simulator X rocks.
  15. Mobius


    chappie: don't cowboys wear those?
  16. Mobius

    Comedies Aren't Funny

    if you believe Oinky, SS has more spam than comedies.
  17. Mobius


    speaking of content blocks, famous quotes cont.'d is a swamp of broken tags.
  18. Mobius

    Lol Lol Lol Lol

    It's in Arpy's blog.
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