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Watashi Wa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Watashi Wa

  1. Watashi Wa
    What's that you say? You saw a blue blur in that Super Smash Bros. Brawl video? Oh, that must be Sonic the Hedgehog.
    Yes, folks, Sonic has been confirmed for SSBB, along with an online co-op feature.
  2. Watashi Wa
    Why the mess do jeans cost $40 bucks a pop? Seriously?
    Why is gas $2.49 one place and about a mile down the road it's $2.69 (for regular)?
    How can a simple studded belt cost $20?
    If you couldn't tell, I've been needing some new clothes, but redunkulous prices aren't helping. Maybe I should use that $25 gift card to Old Navy I've had since last Christmas. However, I'll have 44 hours on my next pay check, which is 4 hours over-time. I'm also working tomorrow, so those hours will be time-and-a-half. My check should be somewhere close to $300. I normally get about $150 or so.
    And I -still- haven't played Metroid Prime 3. I feel like an utter failure. Go ahead, tell me how awesome it is. I think I'ma just wait and see if I don't get it for Christmas...which is right around the corner. BioShock is still a kick-butt game.
    Highschool football kicked off this week. Needless to say, we lost terribly. It was something close to 0-24. I stayed and helped clean up the concession stand after the game, so I'll get payed for that, though I don't know how much.
    I'm in the process of reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is a pretty amusing book, if I've ever read one. That puts the currently-reading score up to 4: I'm reading the Harry Potter series, reading Red by Ted Dekker, -still- reading Eldest, and I just started Hitchhiker's Guide. If it weren't for school I'd actually be able to enjoy these books.
  3. Watashi Wa
    Let's try this again (stinkin' errors out of no where that close out my browsers!).
    These next two weeks will be quite hectic around here. I'm currently scheduled to work every night this week from 5:30 to 9:30, excluding Wednesday; I also work Saturday from 10a to 5:30p, which makes that the first Saturday I can actually go out and do stuff after I'm finished working! Unfortunately for me, I forgot that Monday was my sisters birthday and I forgot to request off. For some reason unbeknown to me, I thought it was today. I'm hoping I can convince someone to stay at work until about 6:30 or 7, so I can go to her party. I don't want to be a loser and not be there because I forgot to request off. I do, however, need the hours since I only got 13 hours last week. I also have to somehow manage to find my way back home so that I can pick up my new phone and get that started up. Not having a phone has been killing me lately. I should also get around to putting in my order to rent a tux this week so I can have it by the formal.
    But that's just this upcoming week. The week after this gets even more exciting, being Homecoming week and all. I've requested off Monday through Thursday already. Luckily we get Friday off to "prepare" for the formal that night. Monday is Back In Time day, and I currently have no clue what I'm going to dress up as. Tuesday is Twin Day, and I just plan on ordering a band t-shirt (Emery, to be exact for those who care) that a friend and I can wear. Wednesday is Character/Disney day, and I'm definately going as a pirate. My friend is going as a ninja so we can be mortal enemies for the day.
    Halo 3 also comes out the 25th, so I requested off for that.
    I put up a bookshelf on my wall today and I realized how many books I don't have, but I want. I'm borrowing "Restaraunt at the End of the Universe" from a friend since I enjoyed the first book so much. I'd also like to get the Harry Potter softback box set to finish that series. Reading is a new hobby of mine, appearently.
    Anywho, if you couldn't tell, I'll be moderately busy these upcoming days. If I'm on, it will be later at night. But anywho, back to finishing this preliminary outline for my research paper...
    Have a swell week folks!
  4. Watashi Wa
    So my school is this reaaallly messed up school that likes to nag people for all the petty little things. These things include but are not limited to:1) hair 2) facial hair. Personally, I think they should get their priorities straight and focus on the lame curriculum.
    I was called down to the office this morning during second period. I thought maybe it was about the principal locking my backpack in a locker...but to my surprise, it was because I need to SHAVE and I have to cut my hair. I shaved Sunday morning. I got my hair cut 4 weeks ago to the shortest it's ever been.
    I was then sent home to shave, and I have until Wednesday to get my hair cut. I'm going to shave tonight, so that there's nothing left to see tomorrow.
    I wonder what would happen if i went in to school with a fake beard on or something.
    I hope all you guys who read this had a fun day at school! Needless to say,I'm not going back to school, so I'm gonna go play some Guitar Hero and maybe finish up BioShock.
    A Disgruntled Senior
  5. Watashi Wa
    Really, it's one of the best games I've ever played. And I'm only a few hours into the game. If you're old enough or trusted by your parents, you should check out this game. I mean, haven't you always wanted to incinerate people, watch them jump into water while you ready your electricity to shock them? At least in a video game. And the Big Daddies are so freakin' hard to take down. I only wish I had more time to play it. Plus, it has incredibly replay value.
    Not to mention, it was only $50 at Circuit City.
    Metroid Prime 3 comes out next week. I'll borrow it from my brother-in-law while he borrows my copy of BioShock, but I think I'ma wait and ask for it for Christmas. I'm trying to limit myself to buying one game a month.
    My friends and I realized that high-fives are the perfect things to cheer people up. I mean, who can refuse a high-five? Next time you pass a friend in the hall at school, try to high-five him and see how much better you feel. It's peftect, I tell you.
  6. Watashi Wa
    I need to think of titles that actually reflect my entry, but for now I'm just using song titles.
    I was elected class president today! Fourth year in a row, and this time I get to do things like help with homecoming and junk.
    Oh, and it's a boy. B) We just need a name now. Heh, the nurse took a picture from the ultrasound of the baby's skull, and she probably got the worst angle, because that was one freaky picture. o.o The baby had a pointy upper lip too...
  7. Watashi Wa
    First day back to school, it was bearable. Break and lunch were odd, as most of my friends from last year weren't there to make things more interesting. But anywho, this year will be the easiest year of high school for me.
    1 period: Gov./Econ. 12
    2: Pre-Calc
    3: Grammar/Brit.Lit 12
    4: Physics (!)
    5: Yearbook
    6: Comp. Tech
    First period will be easy. Pre-Calc will be fun and more enjoyable because our new teacher 'doesn't like homework." I think he's realized that most kids don't even do their own homework, so what's the point of giving us grades. However, if we do take the time to do a little bit, he will give us credit, though I don't know how that's gonna work out. I wish I could drop this years grammar class (Lit will be second semester.) Physics will probably be the "hardest" class this year, though I'm looking forward to the challenge and just interested in general. After fourth, everything's a joke, pretty much. I think my Comp. Tech teacher is gonna teach me HTML, though. *crosses fingers*
    Now I'm off to write my autobiography.
    Heh, I nearly starved since I couldn't buy anything at break. I guess that's what I get for carrying a card instead of cash. Checkcards are so win.
  8. Watashi Wa
    This is my last free weekend of the summer. Luckily, I don't have to work, I don't have any plans, and I'm alone at my sisters house while she's away at the beach.
    Of course, school starts Monday and I've been rather sick lately. Today is probably the peak of my illness; I'm coughing like crazy and my nose is oozing fluids of all kinds. Hopefully this will clear up before my first day of school.
    Thankfully, this is my last year of high school. My school is going way down-hill. They charged us $15 for parking permits, and then we have assigned parking. I can guarantee they only charged us because our class is the biggest our school has seen. I'm glad I won't be there next year to see what other ridiculous things they come up with.
    Class of 2008, represent. B)
  9. Watashi Wa
    Gram's food is always the best. She just had to make french toast for us twice. And then yesterday...sheesh, I've never seen so much food in one place. And I also went to the New Jersey fair yesterday. A side from all the stinky, sweaty carnies, it was enjoyable. The 4-H centers are way more interesting than anything at the Fairs down here. I also don't get why New Jersey has tractor pulls and Alabama doesn't?
    New Jersey was very relaxing. Wanted to go to the City (NYC), but never got around to it. Gran'parents were complaining about it being to hot at 85 F. Whimps. Come down south for the summer.
    I've started reading the Harry Potter books. 2 down, 5 to go.
    School starts Monday. Math teacher from last year decided not to return, school got another teacher, he just quit this week. We have no math teacher.
    Jet lag lololololol
  10. Watashi Wa
    So I read a letter our Senior sponsor sent out this week and it said that we have to take our Senior portraits before August 10th because of yearbook deadlines (we get our books the last week of school, instead of the following Fall.) I'll be gone August 2-8, so I'd like to take my pics before I go so I don't have to worry about them when I get back. Nevertheless, I've decided that I'm going to cut my hair to try and get the best pictures. However, I don't know how I want to cut my hair. This is where I need your help:
    Two years (or was it only one year?) ago I went drastic and cut a bunch of my hair off. Result:
    Some other time I got a little less chopped off. Result:
    I don't know if I want to go as drastic as the first shot, or just be safe and go with the second option. My Senior pics will be with me for the rest of my life, people. This is a big decision!
    This is how long my hair currently is:
    And I get to look through my baby pictures to pick out a few for the yearbook as well. I'm rather excited; I was such a cute baby.
  11. Watashi Wa
    New Emery album will be released on October 2nd! This record will kick plenty of boo-tay.
    "Why don't you say that to my SHANK!"
    <3 Emery.
    I need some good suggestions for an image hosting site, because I'm not to faithful in majhost.com anymore. Flickr maybe? Photobucket? What say you? And all your friends?
  12. Watashi Wa
    I wanted to post an entry but I really have nothing to post about. Most of this is just rambling.
    I've been doing returns at work lately it's worse this time around because our store is completely outta wack. Alphabetization = easy to find what you're looking for. I also found out that other keyholders who started about the same time I became a keyholder (I was a sales associate since November) started out making $8 an hour, while I'm stuck at a measly $6.26. Needless to say, I told my manager that I feel that is a bit low and honestly, it's unfair. If I don't atleast get up to $7 by the time school starts, I'll be looking for another job.
    Beach camp was pretty much the best time of my life. Excellent time of growth with friends and spiritually. And then there were those two dudes who just paraded into our rooms and felt free to take showers while using all of our toiletries.
    And congrats to Omi on finally getting up to FL.
    E3 isn't too as exciting as it seemed it would have, though we have seen some pretty awesome footage from a bunch of games. Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Super Mario Galaxy, Too Human, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl are my most wanted games so far.
    I need to go to another concert. Haven't been to one in a few months...
  13. Watashi Wa
    I've wasted my childhood concerning myself with Bionicle. Transformers is so much cooler than anything Bionicle could ever be, IMO. Not that I have anything against Bionicle, I love it really, but why didn't I ever get into Transformers?
    And by the way, yes, the Transformers movie rocks hardcore. Best movie I've seen in a few years, really. All I can say is that everyone should see this film.
    But I got into the theathre for free, without using my free ticket from Sunday. This time, a security lady asked for gas money and let me and my friend in for giving her 3 bucks. So, I see a movie for 3 bucks, and I keep my free ticket for some other day.
    And these new forum features are pretty sweet. Thanks Binky!
    Beach camp is right around the corner, and so is min-E3. July's been a pretty killer month already.
  14. Watashi Wa
    So I decided to go against the flow of things currently and not make a "seal of approval," mostly because I just don't have time to make one. However, I've decided that if I comment in your blog, that's approval enough that I like your blog.
    I'm off to beach camp starting at 8 AM Friday morning and I won't be returning until 5 PM on Monday. It's going to be a blasty blast!
  15. Watashi Wa
    So I enjoyed this movie. Minus the 10 minutes of video that were cut out because of a power outtage. Movies are different when you can only hear them, not watch and listen at the same time. And for the last 10 minutes or so the lights were on. But my suffering was not in vein, because I walked out of the theatre doors with a free movie ticket!
    I hadn't payed much attention to it before I had read reviews saying that it's another fine movie from the Pixar studios. If you liked their other movies, you'll like this one. It's got humor, a well-developed story, and the amazing graphics that made Pixar famous. Not to mention, I love to cook, so I was kind of fond of the movie to begin with.
    Not to mention, that free ticket will be used Wednesday, when I go to see Transformers. All of the poster spots at the theatre had Transformers posters. Think they are anticipating this movie?
  16. Watashi Wa
    So is a $499 price tag on a freaking phone. But as the title says, I'm jealous. I don't care who you are, the iPhone is the bomb.com. I've been needing a phone for ages now, and this phone is beyond cool. Besides the hefty price tag, the only thing that bothers me is that it's with Cingular/AT&T which gets service everyone, except my house, where I need it most. Oh, and you have to sign up for a plan. Pay-as-you-Go iPhone? YES PLEASE.
    The UI is the best I've seen as far as I can tell.
    Multi-touch is awesome (I'm waiting for a DS with multi-touch. Bring it, Nintendo!)
    The apps are only going to get better.
    Not to mention, my friends would be so jealous.
    It's a better value than the PS3.
    I'll probably end up waiting for the 2nd or 3rd gen, when all the kinks get worked out. Knowing Apple that will be in anywhere from six months to a year and a half.
    I still want one. *sigh..continues search for a reasonable phone*
  17. Watashi Wa
    "When I go out
    I play in the street
    I get hit by cars
    I make mashed potatoes
    I get hit by cars!!"
    This blog entry is dedicated to the former band Five Iron Frenzy. Quite possibly the best band of all time. Never have I heard such witty and moving songs in the same album, with beats that just make you wanna smash something.
    I nearly cried when they broke up, because I knew I'd never be blessed to see them play live. If I could have one wish granted, it would be that FIF got back together and made more albums and played more shows. Nothing can ever match their awesomeness.
    All you wacky kids should check out FIF. Ska bands rule!
  18. Watashi Wa
    I wanted to do this nifty little survey when I first read about it, but alas, at that time I had no MP3 player. But now that I have my awesome little Zune...
    Soundtrack to my Life

    Opening Credits: "Another Version of the Truth" by Nine Inch Nails (very ominous techno sound with a moddy piano in the backgroud.) Waking Up: "My Hero" [Live] by Foo Fighters (very warm acoustic sound) An Ordinary Day: "dance, dance Christa Paffgen" by Anberlin (I personally haven't heard this song...) The First Date: "A Hoax to Live for" by Dead Poetic (upbeat rock ballad) Falling in Love: "Pride & Humility" by August Burns Red (intense metal song, I hope love isn't like that...) The Rumble: "If You Like Me, Check Yes If You Don't, I'll Die" by Showbread (wacky keyboard echoes to screaming vocals...a nice fitting song) The Break-up: "I'm Still Waiting for You to Be the One I'm Waiting For" by Relient K (wow...thing fits -perfectly-) Getting Back Together: "Modern Morbid Prophecies" by Dead Poetic Life's Okay: "Backstabber" by Jonezetta ("No one is gonna save you know! Backstabber!") The Mental Breakdown: "Build God, Then We'll Talk" by Panic! At the Disco Cruising: "What is Right" by The Fold The Flashback: "Five Iron is Stupid!" by Five Iron Frenzy (HAHA! "Five Iron is stupid and you are if you like them also!...too") The Party: wow...can't list that one. Everybody Dance Now: "The Hand, The Furnace, The Straight Face" by Project 86 (great song to mosh too) Regretting: "I Mostly Copy Other People" by The Almost The Long Night Alone: "Pleading the Fifth [Acappella]" by Relient K A Death: "A Llama Eats a Giraffe and Vice Versa" by Showbread ("Nothing is forever!"...fitting really) End Credits: "Bite my Tounge" by Relient K (Matt Thiessen is a genius, really.) Most of you haven't heard these songs. Sucks for you.
  19. Watashi Wa
    I went and saw 1408 today, and there isn't much to write home about. It wasn't spectacular, it didn't suck, it was just "ok." Of course, I was never one to really be scared at horror movies, but I did jump once. Most scenes were too predictable, though. But I love it when you hear this one chick in the theatre give out a bloodchurning scream. Those always make me laugh, for some reason...
    After the movie Ashley and I had to head back to work to work on the inventory. I was assigned CDs (eaaasy), but I nearly lost it when I got to the accompaniment trax section. There were hundreds of CDs that I had to scan. That section is so outta wack, so I couldn't x2, x3 and particular song for having more than one copy. Once I finished the CDs I helped other folks get their sections finished, which landed us around 11, an hour after expected finishing time.
    I hung around for another hour (free money!), and right before we leave, the manager from Birmingham noticed a whole section of the homeschooling curriculum that hadn't been scanned. Heck, most of it didn't even have SKU numbers or the bar-codes didn't work, so we had to manually search for the product in the system, which is not the easiest search system.
    All in all, we didn't finish until 2:30. AM.
    If I don't get atleast 3 hours overtime on my next check...
    No, they don't want that to happen.
    But atleast I don't have to work till Friday!
  20. Watashi Wa
    *Reminiscing with someone 20 (I don't know how old KIE is ) years older than you about music you used to listen to in the 90's is interesting.
    *People in Atlanta have way more road courtesy compared to Montgomery!
    *People drive way crazier in Atlanta!
    *Everything in a theme park is over-priced.
    *Waffle House makes good hamburgers.
    *Waffle House is cheap.
    *Amusement parks are much more enjoyable without hour-and-a-half long lines.
    *Make sure to take all wallets, cell phones, etc., out of your pockets before riding the big water ride.
    *The new White Stripes CD is fantastic.
    *Screaming at the top of your lungs to wake someone up always results in laughter.
    *Don't leave your keys in your car while leaving it in a parking lot 160 miles away from where you are currently located.
  21. Watashi Wa
    How long could it possibly take for a check card to be sent to me in the mail? It's been 9 days already. Silly me was smart enough to put -all- my money into the account leaving me with no cash. If I had known it would take this long to get the card, I would have done otherwise. Hopefully I'll get the check card in the mail tomorrow so I can go do stuff this weekend. <.<
    So I've been making plans for the summer:
    July 6th - July 9th I'll be at beach camp in Panama City, Florida. It should be a lovely time.
    August 2nd - August 8th I'll be vacationing it up in New Jersey. I'll finally get to go to the New Jersey fair! I haven't been there in foreva. And then there's that to-die-for Lorenzo's pizza in Sussex. Can't wait....
    But I still have to pay my sister back for buying the plane ticket. Too bad I don't have my check card or she wouldn't be sitting $170 poorer.
    I'm really going to need more hours at work if I'm going to have money this summer.
  22. Watashi Wa
    I opened a letter yesterday that was sent to me from my school and thoroughly read it. It turns out that our school -finally- set up a scholarship for academics instead of sports (mostly football, which hardly won half their games this past season). So my parents do not have to pay any tuition for my entire school Senior year, only books, etc. That should save them a few thousand dollars to put away towards my college tuition. That beats me taking out a loan so soon. I know I'll have to pull out a loan sooner or later, but atleast it gives me more time to save up.
    Now if only our school offered better classes. Even pre-Calc would be nice. I'd love to have some AP Bio and English or something, but...that's wishful thinking.
    Oh, and supposedly, if I do end up being the Valedictorian of my class, I'll recieve a full scholarship to Faulkner for two years, I think. I planned on going there for two years anyways to get my core classes out of the way.
    Gracious, it's all happening so fast...
    Class of 2008
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