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Everything posted by ShadowVelocity

  1. ShadowVelocity


    Suffice it to say that I've been sick for the last three/four years (I've lost track of how long it actually was). It's been worse for the last yearish or so. However, mostly better now. So, have a nice doodle. I promise nothing. We'll see what happens.
  2. Well, not really, since I never actually died, but I think you get the idea. ALSO. I bring gifts of ART. River Dormus and a Village White Quartz Mountains (pre- and post- shattering). Spent loads of time on the bottom two, not quite as much but still a fair bit on the top. All three of them are for B:NG. I don't really feel like typing out my whole "this is what I did blah blah blah," so I will leave you with that. Now I just need to catch up with the rest of my backlogged art stuff. (Curse you, university! Cuuuuuurrrrrrse yoooooouuuuuu!)
  3. I'm... I'm really sorry about that. I was thinking about entering, but I just have too much to do right now to be writing stories... And anyways, the story I was thinking of wasn't long enough...
  4. Well, remember that whole thing with that scribble picture being easy to do, not time consuming, and decent looking? I discovered almost directly after that completely by accident how to create zomg-amazing looking pictures in a fairly non-time consuming manner, as evidenced by these partially painted mountains. They don't have color yet, but that's because in this style I add color later. But now I have a dilemma. I already started painting Alarist using my old painting style (color first, shading later) and suddenly I really am not sure I want to continue doing so, because this way is easier (even though I technically have to paint the picture twice). And it's not just easier because of the whole color thing, it's easier because of several steps that become completely unnecessary in the new style. But it's already partially painted... I really cannot decide. Ah well. *ponders the great thoughts*
  5. Lol. Yeah, I really don't spend much time there - I'll probably end up losing interest again at some point.
  6. It might be. Good to know, haha. Why thank you! I am glad you do.
  7. Eh, this was a picture I made to motivate my Altador Cup team, since that's about the only thing I do on the site anymore. (Yearly competition between users involving extremely boring game called yooyuball AKA World Cup for Neopets.) I don't think it really has to make sense. Oh, okay. Makes sense. ...not It's like soccer, except with Neopets. And weird soccer balls. On a computer screen.
  8. Yes, but the point here is that they look fairly different from what they were when I was painting. It's so hard to get things to look right sometimes, haha. Oh yeahhhh drawing in a car is really not the best. I gave up the practice a long time ago - it takes too much effort to get them looking decent, when you could have just waiting until you were elsewhere and taken a quarter of the time to get a better pic.
  9. A WIP shot of Alarist. Mapped out the basic colors (and yes, I know the water looks funny right now) and got a basic idea of how it will look.
  10. Yeah, sometimes I get the urge to paint things like that, or in this case, draw with the pens for six hours lol. Indeed it does. It is, but it's not something everyone would be interested in. I can't say if you'd like it or not, but do be warned that it doesn't start to get past the bad jokes and into the real plot for a fair bit. The animations are the part I like best though.
  11. Nah, some of them might look similar, but not pokemon. I think that's what you call them. *shrug* Eh, this was a picture I made to motivate my Altador Cup team, since that's about the only thing I do on the site anymore. (Yearly competition between users involving extremely boring game called yooyuball AKA World Cup for Neopets.) I don't think it really has to make sense.
  12. Discovered easy and non-time consuming method of art for concepts. Expect to see more of these. [insert obligatory complaint about the colors looking funny on this other monitor here]
  13. I painted the pic used in the banner, felt obliged to enter. Topic here: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?act...amp;pid=6949171
  14. Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?act...amp;pid=6786082 Pretty old, probably not worth posting there any more.
  15. Can be so addicting. Also inspiring. I won't link to it, since it's a bit of a bloody comic, and it has forums. This particular villains name is Jack Noir though, I suppose you might be able to get there if you really wanted.
  16. vvv /Shame. Yes, she's a Shoyru.
  17. Not remotely Bionicle related but i thought you might like to know that I have been doing stuff. Just not Bionicle stuff. This particular piece took me 45 hours. To be honest, it makes me cringe to think how much time I'm going to need to spend on bonesiii's multiverse stuff, since they are much larger. OH WELL. I guess I shall persevere. It's not like anyone reads this blog except EW occasionally and Thylon and neelh. And #digital-artists declined it. I hate that they accepted me as a member and yet they don't want to display any of my pieces. XD
  18. No worries, I don't mind.
  19. Glad you liked it, if I get time I might redo it a bit and make it a little more awesome.
  20. ShadowVelocity


    Busy, very busy. In the meantime, have some pictures of Manu. Original Design With Iruini From the Back From the Top Torso Front Torso Back Torso w/Head Torso Detail Side Detail Arm Detail Back Detail Head Movement Her paint got chipped in moving so I need to redo her gold - thank goodness I finally got the right kind of paint (the original gold was a different paint than the blue and turned out poorly). Also take a look at this lovely version of my Ice Bat in MoC Form made by MapleMaster of deviantart. Anyways! Busy. *poofs*
  21. Here's some names: Korosh Alath Iritha Theron Zetha Zarava Soron Jephel Forou Makan Nakai Ensho
  22. Oh, and I found my camera, keep bothering me about uploading pics of Manu.

  23. The ACV is starting, I am maniacally playing games to support my team haha. XD

  24. Not surprising since I don't talk very much. :P

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